Name one of the people who check you in at the front office
Mandy, Lexiie, Marion, Juanny
Movie we watched yesterday about small yellow guys (Bob is my favorite)
The people that do art
Cristhian and Mackenzie
The activity we need lifeguards for
A game we play in here where I call out words and you mark them to win a prize
Name one group leader that is not your own
Ciara, Darnell, Yenae, Shania
Name the lizard that is painted on the window
If we wanted to play dodgeball, this is the person we would go to
Game where you have to ROLL (not throw) balls across a table to knock other balls down (Hint: it was taken away yesterday)
Carpet Ball
The two groups that are not inside the building today
Gold and Magenta
The movie we watched at the Nashua Public Library
Tom and Jerry
The camera man's real name
A flower that can move in order to face the sun
Just Dance
Where the oldest members in the building go
Teen Center
My favorite Disney movie, a girl and her small dragon go to war in China
When we want to go for a swim, we need this person
Peyton or Sabrin
We put this on after we get a sun burn
Aloe or Aloe Vera
Official name for the white ball in pool
Cue ball
The field trip we are going on next week
Canobie Lake Park
Name the movie we watched the first week of camp. (Hint: it was western theme)
Home on the Range
This person makes us lunch every day
A crustacean with eight legs that we find at the beach
Board game where you have to guess what person the other player has
Guess Who