This department helps patients breathe using oxygen therapy, nebulizers, and ventilators
Who is Respiratory Therapy
This professional fills medication prescriptions and ensures medications are safe for patients
What is a pharmacist
These are the three main vital signs measured in a hospital
EMT's, paramedics, firefighters, and first responders belong to this emergency medicine department
What is the Fire Department
This rolling bed transports patients through the hospital
What is a stretcher
This department takes pictures of the inside of your body using X-rays, MRI's, and CT Scans
Who is Medical Imaging
This professional draws blood and runs lab tests
What is a phlebotomist
How many bones do you have in your body?
What is 206
What does an EKG measure in a patient?
What is heart rhythm
This tool is used to listen to a patients heart, lungs, and stomach during a physical assessment
What is a stethoscope
This department takes all of the pregnant women and babies
Who is WIS (Women and Infant Services)
This specialty doctor performs surgeries on bones, joints, and muscles
What is an orthopedic surgeon
What does NPO stand for in medical terms?
What is nothing by mouth
What are emergency medicine professionals checking for when they use the acronym BEFAST?
What is a stroke? (bonus, what does BEFAST stand for?)
This type of equipment is used by all healthcare professionals to protect themselves when they are performing direct patient care (i.e. starting an IV, collecting a urine sample, changing a patients bed linens)
What are gloves
This department takes care of patients in critical condition who need constant monitoring
Who is the ICU (intensive care unit)
This professional cares directly for the patient in the hospital, administering medications and helping the patient during their entire stay
What is Nurses
This is the name of the clothing medical professionals wear during their shifts
What is scrubs
This is given to patients that complain of difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and their O2 saturations are below the normal range
What is oxygen
This piece of equipment is used to help nurses start an IV
What is a needle
This department treats patients with serious and life-threatening conditions and all other patients that need emergency care
Who is the Emergency Department
This professional responds to emergency situations outside of the hospital such as fires and car accidents
What is a firefighter
Which organ is the largest in the human body?
What is skin
This machine helps restart a heart during cardiac arrest and can also determine a patients heart rhythm
What is an AED/Defibrillator
This tool is used to measure a patients blood pressure
What is a sphygmomanometer? Also blood pressure cuff and vitals machine works too