Strategic Programs
Global Ambassadors
Gen Z
Fairs & Events Strategies

A modified ISA or TEAN Program to meet a university need. Usually includes an MOU and has some price adjustments.

What is a Signature Program?


Post on social media and connect with students virtually, but are not doing office hours.

What are Social GAs?


Born between 1996 and 2010

Digital Natives

Second-youngest generation

Most-diverse generation

Who are Gen-Z Students?


The first step to a successful fair or event (based on our roadmap).

What is preparation?


What we might call our individual "classes" in the U.S. are called this in Australia and New Zealand.

What are subjects, papers, or courses?


Faculty-Taught course(s)

Faculty/staff accompaniment 

Cohort-specific activities and excursions


What are Strategic Program Modifications?


Who we should be emailing when we're going to campus.

Who are all of our alumni?


The following all have something important in common:

Mental Health is a priority

Comment Section -> Look to peers

Always online

Taylor Swift

Focused on Trends

Politically Aware

What are characteristics our team associated with Gen Z as important when it comes to studying abroad?


The following all have something in common when it comes to fairs and event strategies:

Engagement Reports


University Portfolio

Strategic Programs Portfolio

Lead numbers from previous semesters

& More

What are tools to prepare for an event?


This event includes, among many things, a local native/indigenous experience, interaction with local wildlife or nature, and an opportunity to meet people from all over.

What is the Bridging Cultures Orientation?


Our partner already has an exchange program or academics covered, but needs help with H&S or logistics.

What is a Support Program?


Assists with development of on campus events and mentors other Global Ambassadors.

What is a Senior GA?


Defined as "the quality of being genuine or real"; Something we know Gen-Z students value.

What is Authenticity?


Your catchphrase to "get the lead"

What is .... 

-"sign in and I'll grab you some materials" 

-"fill this out for me and we'll follow up soon"

-"put your name and email address and a note on the back and I'll get back to you"



These partners all have something important in common...

University of New South Wales, Bond University, ICMS, and soon James Cook University.

What is a trimester system, or alignment with the U.S. academic calendar?


The program your partner is proposing includes courses taught at a host institution NOT partnered with ISA or TEAN. What program model would this be?

What is a Custom Program or possibly a Support Program?


Oh no, you forgot to label your leads with "Global Ambassador"! What do you do?

What is, reach out to Iriz Delgadillo?


Provide a retention strategy using peer-to-peer influence...

-Connecting students with GAs

-Using the blog, youtube videos, or ISA/TEAN socials to answer students questions and help "see themselves" abroad

-& more!


One way to make follow up easier for you.

What is/are...

-email templates

-writing notes on the back of lead cards

-looping in the study abroad office


These Australian cities are described respectively as "Multicultural, Metropolitan, & Beaches" and "Flashy, Fun & Laid Back".

What are Sydney & the Gold Coast?


We want to maximize this when developing a strategic program with our partner, therefore we want to make sure the program aligns with both the partner and university's goals.

Hint: Money, Time, Relationships

What is Return on Investment?


- Meeting with our ARC

- Developing a lead strategy with GAs in mind

- Meeting with our GAs to determine how their goals align with our strategy to help one another

What are things we should be doing this summer?



What is one thing you can strive to implement into your work to best engage and advise today's Gen Z students?

-using peer to peer influence

-using social media trends

-video format for information

-staying in touch with students throughout their whole study abroad journey

& more!


Five Steps to a Successful Fair or Event

1. Prepare

2. Materials

3. Get the Lead

4. Follow Up

5. What's Next - creating new business opportunities


The first country to have a wellbeing strategy for international students, and all universities are ranked in the top 3% worldwide.

What is New Zealand?
