
Daily Schedule: wake-up to lights out

7:30-first conch





7:00-Evenin Activities


9:30-Night Activities

10:15-end of night

10:30-Light's out


Any camp vehicle (toro, vans, etc) should be driven by:

Adult Staff, only after being trained. 


Fire extinguishers are located

In the storage building to the right 

In the office by the stairs

In the kitchen by the stove


Days off requests

In writing, submitted to Hannah


Clothing should always:

Be functional, safe, and respectful. If campers or staff cannot perform the functions of their task--wearing clothes that are too tight, short, etc--they are not appropriate for camp. Similarly, clothing should protect vulnerable areas of the body-expecially feet and hands on work days, and be respectful-no vulgar language or images, etc.  

The phone rings and you answer by saying:

Camp Sunrise, this is ____

Vehicle keys are located:

In the lockbox in the office


Safety locations in the event of bad weather

Basement of kitchen for tornadoes

Lodge for storms

Field in case of fire in the lodge


What should be used only in emergency (or for music during dishes)?

Cell phones. Electronics should be kept in staff tents, or the basement of the office, and not be used around campers. 


Power tools should be used by

Only adult staff specially trained in their use. This includes the driving lawnmower, saws, and chainsaw. 

Youth should never use power tools, or axes.


You notice someone unfamiliar on camp ground, your response is: 

A. Dive head first into the firepit

B. Scream and duck into the game shed to hide

C. Run around yelling for the Director, AD, or PC

D. Calmy approach them, indroduce yourself and begin a conversation. 

D. Calmy approach them, indroduce yourself and begin a conversation.


Before leaving camp always:

Check tires, oil, gas, lights (and trailer). Make sure everyone is buckled. 


When the air horn is blown

Come to center of camp and gather where told (lodge or field)

Counselors on crew account for each participant and maintain their safety. 

Support Staff report to Director or Assistant Director for further instructions. 


Who can help answer any questions regarding all policies and procedures?

Any alumni staff, but if in doubt; Jones, Hannah, and Lance. 


Where are first aid kits, and who maintains them?

First aid kits are in each van, and buidling at camp. Additionally, kits should be maintained and carried by each counselor on crew. 


The address of camp

What is: 

10809 495th st. Rush City MN, 55069


Appropriate speed on back roads and highway:

55 on back roads, 65 on highway. Never over the speed limit!


Procedure for missing person (not in camp)

Counselors should gather up remainder of crew and select a safe location to wait. 

Parties should be sent out (always in groups of 2) to search the area. Parties should report back to the main group frequently. 

If missing person cannot be located within the hour--call camp for further assistance. 

If camper goes missing by the water--Call 911 then camp, immediately!


Harassment is:

Verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other protected category, or that of the individual’s relatives, friends or associates that creates a hostile or offensive working enviornment, interferes with an individual's work performance, ar adversely affects an individuals employment opportunities. 


Fires have to be___ but not started by___

In the designated fire pit while camping along the river and in center of camp, and 20 feet away from any structure/platform tent. Fires should never be started using flammable products such as white gas. 


You notice something a problem with equipment: either missing or damaged and report to:

Lance, Isiah, or Hannah (in that order)


The type of transporation which should never be utelized at camp, ever. (as noted in the basic information section)

Horses. Ever. Don't ask us why. Ask Jones. 


Fire in camp:

First evacuate the area. 

If fire is small, attempt to extinguish with fire extinguisher or water (for non-grease fire)

If fire is not extinguished immediately, or determined too large to fight, call 911, ensure the area is evacuated, and wait for assistance. Report to the Director or AD immediately .


Describe ATOD and it's parameters/consequences

Alcohol, Tobacco, and other drugs are prohibitted through use or possession at Camp, or any Camp event/activity. This includes to and from any trip with/for youth and in the presence of youth or junior staff. Sobriety is required to drive any camp vehicles. Violation of this policy can result in termination.


Staff to camper ratio anytime water is involved. 

2 to 10. 

Junior Staff do not count!
