Camp Fun Facts
U.S States
Movie Characters
TV Show Characters
U.S History
You should always keep your what to your what?
What is "Hands to Yourself?"

These 2 states share the second part of their name, and are in the mid west.

What is North and South Dakota?


What we don't talk about?

Who is Bruno?


This star comes from simple origins on the Disney Channel, this teen sensation has the best of both worlds now that she's been named the newest Disney Legend.

Who is Miley Cyrus?


Name 5 U.S Presidents

Who is (My staff better be able to name 5 and verify 5 U.S Presidents....)


Which Camp staff has a twin?

Who is Destiny?


Name all 3 states that are on the West Coast?

What are California, Oregon, and Washington?


The first rule of this, is that we don't talk about it. (This is not a movie made in the past 5 years)

What is Fight Club?


This Pop star is named after the famous spanish TV actress, and had her own show on Disney Channel featuring wizards, the mets, and a family competition. Her latest album "Rare" is a certified banger.

Who is Selena Gomez?

Name the 3 branches of Government, or the 3 main bodies of these branches.

What is the Legislative, Executive and Judicial? (Would also accept congress, president and Supreme Court)


John was made into this art form for a fun activity on the last day of the School year?

What is a Paper Machee Figure?


Name at least 7 of the 13 original Colonies?

What is Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Virginia, New Hampshire, Georgia, Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Connecticut and New Jersey


The antagonist in the original Shrek Movie who had a habit of being over the top.

Who is Lord Farquad?


This Prince spent his entire life struggling with the concepts of Honor, Destiny and doing what's right. Famous for his fiery temper and stubborn views, he eventually finds inner peace.

Who is Prince Zuko?


Which President led the United States to War in 1942, saying the famous line "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."

Who is the GOAT Franklin D. Roosevelt?


This Counselor plays Tennis for the high school, spent most of the school year working in the warrior room?

Who is Gigi?

Which state is known as the Peach State?

What is Georgia? (Bonus points if you say it with an accent!)

He is a watchful protector, a silent Guardian, and the Hero that the city deserves.

Who is Batman or The Dark Knight?


This duo spent 104 days building whatever came to mind. Famous for going over the top and always having a musical number with their trust companion who was always missing.

What is Phineas and Ferb?


Most places in the northeast are named after either something that came before, or something that was encountered when the settlers arrived. Where does the name "Massachusetts" come from?

What is a Native American tribe?


This staff thinks that if push comes to shove, they could fight a bear.

Who is John Cordero?


In which state is the act of cutting down a cactus a criminal offense?

What is Arizona?


This movie is a reboot of a beloved franchise, it came out in 2011, with a soundtrack done by the famous French band "Daft Punk". Famous for it's focus on technology and what it would be like to live in a computer.

What is Tron: Legacy? (We would also accept Tron"


This TV show follows the former sidekicks of superheroes, as they navigate what it's like to be real hero and handle real problems. The team consists of heros such as Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Superboy and a host of others.

What is Young Justice?


Before he became the President, this man served with distinction as the General of the Union army under President Lincoln. This man "Granted" the Union a victory over the south.

Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
