CD Rules & Regulations
Campus Resources

You don't have morning duties one Campus Day. What time should you arrive at the Union?



You don’t know how to answer the question asked of you on Panel, but you were called on and everyone is looking at you – what should you do?

Try your best, but don’t make up information. Point people to resources, offices, or the professional staff at the back of the room if they have further questions


Your family is planning on coming into town on a day you normally work Campus Days. You want to take the day off to spend time with them. How long in advance do you need to request off?

2 weeks


A student is expressing that they're very nervous about their first year writing requirement because they are "an AWFUL writer." What resource can you plug to them?

Sweetland Peer Writing Center/Sweetland Center for Writing


What year did Brendan graduate from UM?



An admitted student is confused about what tour group they're in. How can you help?

Their group number is on their tour tag!


You're working registration and a family approaches you to check in. The student says "I only registered myself, my mom, and my dad but my sister is here with us too." What do you do?

Nothing! Prostaff most likely knows already


A Coord/Prostaff member is floating around during morning duties and sees you on your phone. What is going to happen?

You will receive a strike


How early in their academic career can students study abroad?

As early as their first semester!


What time is folder stuffing next week?

9am-5pm (in this building!)


How do you know what morning duty and tour you have each Campus Day?

the assignment sheet sent out by the Coords on Wednesday nights


A family comes in late, after the registration table is packed up. What do you do?

There will be a table upstairs where Prostaff will be to check in any latecomers. Take them there!


Rachel has just announced that we have a spirit wear Campus Day (yay). What two uniform pieces are you still REQUIRED to wear?

Khakis and maize jacket


What does SAPAC stand for, and what resources do they provide?

SAPAC = Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center. They provide peer support groups, prevention & bystander awareness workshops, etc.


List the dates we are in Rackham for Campus Day

We aren't there this year!


At what time do you NEED to be at your drop off location (NEEEEEEEEDDDDD. DON'T BE LATE)



You get to lunch and you notice a family is missing from your group. What do you do?

Don't freak out! Slack a Coord or Prostaff member and let them know how many people you're missing 


You're very sick one morning of Campus Day that you're scheduled to work and absolutely can't come in. What do you do?

SLACK a Prostaff (do not email)


You have a job interview coming up but you forgot your suit at home. What resource on campus can help you in this situation?

The Career Center Clothes Closet!


Name each residence hall(s) each of the four Coords lived in

Owen: SQ, Josh: Markley, Paige: EQ, Chris: WQ


The show room you are assigned to is FILTHY. There is trash everywhere, plus both residents were sleeping when you brought your group by. What should you do?

You should slack to EVERYONE informing them of the room so that they do not go to it as well as slack Rachel or Brendan and let them know


You are at lunch and a family is sitting with you and they start asking about Fraternity and Sorority Life. A mom asks, "I don't want to son to be hazed. Does U of M haze?" How would you respond?

Emphasize that UM has a very strict anti-hazing policy. All affiliated sororities and fraternities have to abide by that policy and there are resources available if there are cases of an organization not abiding by it.


When are you dismissed from morning duties?

When a Coord or Prostaff tells you either in person or via Slack that you are released, not a definitive time


Why are students in CSP?

OUA determines admission to Michigan through CSP. Possible criteria include: Geography, First generation students, Size of high school, Strength of high school curriculum, Socioeconomic status


What is the code you'll use to get into ALL of the showrooms?

