Personal Safety & Wellness
Compliance & Enforcement
Community Safety and Wellness
Facility Safety & Security
Who ya gonna call?

Describe 3 examples of paraphernalia that is against policy to have 

bongs, grinders, pipes, vapor pens, rolling papers, wine bottles, etc. 

If you had to be 21 to buy it, you can't have it. (shot glasses are okay) 


Where can students find the code and policy book?

What is on the SRR website and 


Community members are expected to observe reasonable noise levels during THIS daytime period..

What are courtesy hours


Blenders, Microwaves (<700 watts), electric air popcorn poppers, coffee makers, rice cookers, and water warmers are examples of this

What are permitted appliances


Issues experienced with wifi outages or system access - which campus partner should we call?



True or False: NAU is a smoke free campus

False - NAU is a tobacco free campus. Smoking, including, but not limited to, the use of hookahs, vapor pens, e-cigarettes, and similar devices, and the use of smokeless tobacco products, such as snuff and chewing tobacco, (ZYNS) is prohibited on university property, including in all Campus Living Communities. 


What form of communication does the University use to communicate with students?

Their official NAu email (abc123)

How many nights are overnight guests are permitted to stay with permission from all assigned roommates?

What are 3 consecutive days


Who is authorized to give the all clear in the event of a fire alama evacuation?

What are emergency personnel


A CA calls to report bodily fluids found in a shared lounge - who would they call?

Who is work control



What is the terminology written in the code? Cannabis or Marijuana 

Double Jeopardy: Why do we use the term cannabis?

Marijuana is the legally preferred term so it is in our policies. It doesn't mean it is the best choice though! (Similar to illegal alien vs undocumented)

What is the verb we use to hear conduct cases?

What is- Adjudicate (make a formal judgment or decision about a problem or disputed matter)


True or False: Off-campuses salespersons are prohibited from CLCs at all times. 

False: They can be personally invited by a student (like a Mary Kay consultant). (Section III F.1)


If there is a facilities related move, what is needed to be emailed to the OPS team? (4 things)

What are student name, ID#, original assignment, and new assignment


A student brandishes, discharges, or threatens others with a weapon. Who should you call?

911 - NAUPD, then MOC


True or False: Students of age are allowed to utilize kegs and beer bongs 

False - Regardless of Age, Students Are Prohibited From: Using or possessing common source alcohol containers (e.g., a keg) or devices to promote rapid alcohol consumption (e.g., a beer bong).

What is the standard used to determine if a student  is responsibel?

What is a preponderance of evidence - not beyond a reasonable doubt


How many gallons can a fish tank be on campus?

What is - 5 gallons


A community member can be charged for damages in these three situations...

What are resident causes damages, their visitor causes damages, or their community is found responsible for a damage


A member of pro-staff gets locked out of their apartment. Who should they call?

Manager on call or direct supervisor

Describe 3 items that are exceptions to the weapons policy

What are... 

personal safety device (pepper spray, Knives less than 5 inches), a firearm lawfully owned and stored in a car, weapons that have gone through the official approval process (lightsaber), and others!


Whose responsibility is it to inform students of the policy book and code?

Who is the student, CL, and SRR


Double Jeopardy!! (twice the points)

What are the questions you are allowed to ask a service animal handler?

What are...

Is this a service animal?

What services does the animal provide? 


Access to our facilities is limited typically to these three groups

Contracted CMS assigned in the building, authorized NAU employees performing official duties, and visitors escorted by authorized CMS


who can students call for a 24/7 mental health resources for nau students?

Who is Jacks Care
