
These are the three responses that a human has in an active shooter emergency. 

What is run, hide, or fight?



What is the official time to take student attendance?


Standing at the door or in the doorway greeting students with a smile, handshake, kind word, etc.

Where is the place a teacher should be when the students arrive each morning?


These three types of curriculum must be aligned for successful instruction. 

What is written, taught, and the tested curriculum?


Ready, Responsible, Respectful

What are the three R's of the Discipline Matrix?


These should be kept locked at all times in the school and are checked every hour.

What are outside and classroom doors?


The type of employee leave that must be approved by Mrs. Murphy by email. 

What is discretionary leave?


Teachers must complete a request to show one of these in full length in their classroom and should be aligned to the curriculum and MUST be viewed by the teacher first!

What is a movie?


A comprehensive reading and math computer-based program that every student should be using for a minimum of 60 minutes a week per subject area. Students will take a BOY, MOY, and EOY assessment in this platform to determine progress and growth.

What is I-Ready?


This is a type of consequence that Mrs. Murphy does not believe is effective and should not be used.

What are whole-class consequences?


The action a staff member should take when noticing a person on campus without an ID badge or a Raptor badge.

What is politely escorting them to the front office or calling for assistance?


Immediately before or after a school holiday, On scheduled professional development days, on STAAR Testing days, days scheduled for district assessments

What are the days that personal leave is not allowed?


This is a change note written by the office.

What is the only way a student can change their transportation to go home?


The timeline that must be followed so that we stay on schedule to teach the appropriate TEKS at the right time and so that we are horizontally aligned by grade level. 

What is a scope and sequence?


Student/Teacher Conference, Review of social skills, Daily behavior chart on desk, reward program, rearrange seating, meet individual needs for learning style, seek advice from administration/behavior teacher.

What are forms of teacher interventions?


These should be grabbed and taken with you whenever we have a drill or an actual emergency.

What are emergency bags?


A call must be made after a student is absent for this many consecutive days.

What is two days?


Nose Rings, holy jeans, inappropriate tattoos

What are items not allowed in the employee dress code?


These are due by Monday morning at 7:30am. Items included: TEKS, Learning Objective, Materials/Resources/Equipment, Warm-Up, Explicit Instruction(I do), Check for Understanding, Guided Practice (We do), Higher Order Thinking Questions (At least two), Independent Practice (They do), Small Group time, Closing Task/Reflection. 

What are lesson plans?


This is a situation in which you should prepare your student to evacuate a classroom in order for their safety and to remove the audience. (Hint: Level)

What is a level 3?


These lists are activated in case of an emergency.

What is the emergency phone tree?


This must be prepared and in a folder clearly labeled on your desk for when you are absent (even in an emergency)!

What is a sub folder?


These staff members are required to be present and actively engaged with students in the classroom at all times. If it should become absolutely necessary for these staff members to leave their rooms while students are present, then they should secure another member of the staff to supervise their students. 

Who are teachers?


Weekly meetings held at the grade level where the teachers will discuss data, instructional strategies, and will follow the norms set forth by the staff. 

What are PLC Meetings?


This is a type of referral that should be given for positive behaviors. Teacher should try to give these to all of their students at least once in the school year.

What are postive office referrals?
