Campus Involvement
Trivia (Challenging)
What is the mission statement for the Center for Leadership and Service?
"To educate and engage all students to lead and serve in the global community."
Where is the Volcard Office located?
Between Gates 8 & 9 of Neyland Stadium
Name three different colleges at the University of Tennessee.
Haslam College of Business, College of Nursing, College of Engineering, College of Art and Architecture, College of Law, College of Music, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, College of Communication and Information, College of Arts and Sciences, CASNR, College of Social Work
What hours is PCB open?
7:00am-8:00pm Monday through Friday, 8:00am-2:30pm Saturday, and 9:00am-8:00pm Sunday
What sport did Jess play in college and what is her husband's name? (Must answer both parts)
Basketball and Nolan
Where do students go to sign up for fraternity or sorority recruitment?
Where can you go to borrow two books during the semester free of charge through the Office of Multicultural Student Life's book loan program?
Frieson Black Cultural Center
How do you schedule an advising appointment through the Haslam College of Business, and what is an advising appointment?
You schedule an advising appointment through GradesFirst for the Haslam College of Business. Advising appointments are for students to meet with their advisors about anything they would like, but common reasons include advising about what classes to sign up for the next semester, transferring credits, or switching majors.
What are three different styles of residence halls available to students? Name one example of each style.
Suite style, traditional style, apartment style. Suit style include Reese, North Carrick, South Carrick, Clement, and Humes. Traditional style include Hess and Massey. Apartment Style include Laurel and Volunteer Hall.
When you click "I authorize the University to allocate a portion of my Student Programs and Services Fee ($19.46 for full-time students) for Student-Organized Programming," which option are you choosing?
Option 1 (opt-in)
Name six clubs or organizations that students could get involved in (There were 508 last time I checked, which was under 24 hours ago).
What is the best way to help first year students that don't know where anything is on campus?
Tell them to download the MyUTK app that will show them where every building is located. (Open to Sam and Kiah's discretion)
How do I print? Where can I print? How much does it cost?
Printing is paid for through a student's Volcard account. They can add funds to this account online through MyUTK. Once they have funds, printing is $.02 per page (cheapest in the SEC) and they can print in the library, the computer lab in Haslam, the computer lab in PCB, The Baker Center, the writing center, among other places. Wireless printing is also available.
What pets are you allowed to have in residence halls?
Fish or any other animal that lives in a bowl with water.
"To partner with the campus community in creating equitable access to eligible students while promoting disability-inclusive diversity," is the mission statement of what office?
Office of Disability Services
Name four different types of trips that students could participate in through our UTOP program.
Hiking, Biking, Swimming, Canoeing, Kayaking, Skiing, Snowboarding, Camping, Rock Climbing...
Where is OneStop located and what three offices merged to create onestop? Must answer both parts.
Ground floor in Hodges Library and the financial aid, bursar, and registrar offices.
Name the four of UT's five libraries.
Hodges (Main), Pendergrass (Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine), Hoskins (Law), Music, and Medicine
What are visiting hours for most residence halls for first year students and how do they work?
Monday-Thursday 10:00am-1:00am, Friday-Sunday 24 hours (until Monday at 1:00am). You must swipe your guest into your residence hall with your Volcard and you must escort them out.
What is the Torchbearer's Creed? (Must be exact)
"One that beareth a torch shadoweth oneself to give light to others."
We stress to our students all of the time to "get involved." Why is this stressed so much and why is it important?
Students that get involved on our campus are more likely to not only enjoy their time at UT, but to stay at UT and succeed here. It's okay if students apply to be a part of an organization and do not get accepted, we have hundreds (508) of opportunities for students to get involved on our campus, and it's our job as Ignite TL's to connect them with these opportunities. (Up to Sam and Kiah's discretion)
Where is the Math Tutorial Center located? (Both locations)
Bottom of Ayers Hall as well as the Commons in the Library
Name three places that provide FREE tutoring services on campus.
Student Success Center, Office of Multicultural Student Life, Writing Center, Math/Physics/Chemistry Tutorial Center
Describe how meal equivalency works, three locations that it can be used, and when it can be used.
Students may use a meal "swipe" from their meal plan for that meal time to take $4.85 off of their total due at locations such as Chick-fil-A, Subway, Twisted Taco, Panda Express, and Raising Canes between 4:30pm-8:30pm
What is the only "grave" on UT's campus?
They Tyson Alumni House. The Tyson house was owned by the Tysons, and they gave the house to UT under the stipulation that UT would preserve their dog, Benita',s, grave (located right behind the Tyson House)