John Hattie's effect size for Teacher Clarity
What is .84?
Success Criteria
What is Specific, measurable indicators that describe what success looks like for a given task or learning objective?
According to Hattie's research, the effect size of feedback when delivered on time
What is 1.13?
BTC stands for this
What is Building Thinking Classrooms?
October attendance rate for CAMS
What is 97%?
The two components of Teacher Clarity CAMS is focusing on for our Focus Walks
What are Success Criteria and Effective Feedback?
The effect size of Success Criteria
What is .88?
Name two key features of Effective Feedback.
What are Actionable & Timely?
Two domains in ELA that our students struggle with
What is Comprehension of Informational Text & Vocabulary?
The difference between the # of students chronically absent in September vs. October
What is 50%?
This is how Teacher Clarity enhance student engagement
What is students are more motivated when they know the goals and how to meet them?
Three benefits of Success Criteria
What are Guides Student Learning, Enables Self-Assessment, and Promotes Independence?
Three benefits of Effective Feedback
What are...
Clarifies misconceptions
Promotes deeper thinking
Reinforces learning objectives?
Our current student enrollment for 7th and 8th grade
What is 203?
The November SEL Theme throughout Arace
What is Gratitude & Kindness?
The three benefits of Teacher Clarity
What are Improves Student Outcomes, Enhances Student Engagement, and Supports Differentiation?
The three types of Success Criteria that CAMS are focusing on for our Focus Walks
What are "I Can" Statements, "We Can" Statements, and Single-Point Rubrics?
Name three types of feedback.
What are Task-level, Process-level, and Self-Regulation?
The district's four priorities
What are...
Holistic Accountability
Rigorous Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Positive School Climate
Family & Community Engagement?
Our next school wide assembly and the topic
What is November 11th & the Veterans Day Program?
The authors of the Teacher Clarity Playbook suggest using three questions with students to move toward clarity
What are....
Identify if the following are appropriate or not appropriate Success Criteria:
I can explain why the author might have used figurative language.
I can use the dictionary to write the definition of words.
I can explain the difference between denotative meaning and connotative of words.
What is Appropriate?
What is Not Appropriate?
What is Appropriate?
This is what effective feedback should provide
What is Ongoing, targeted feedback based on success criteria?
The names of all schools in the Bloomfield school district
What are Wintonbury Early Childhood Magnet School, Laurel Literacy Academy, Metacomet Elementary School, CAIS, CAMS, BHS, GEMS, Steps to Success?
The student/staff/teacher of the month for October in both 7th and 8th grade?
Who is....
7th: Zo Gayle, Mrs. Eady, & Ms. Brochu
8th: Josiah Laurencin, Ms. Lipscomb, & Mr. Martey?