What is kirito's last name?
What was the main function in Alfheim than attracted so many VR players.
What is the name of the hidden leaf village?
Where was I born?
x2 points for town name
Fairbanks, Alaska
My favorite color(s)
Black and Blue
Name the floor 1 boss
Illfang the Kobold Lord
What race of elf is Kirito in Alfheim?
How many Hand signs are there?
X2 points: name them.
snake, tiger, ram, dog, bird, ox, monkey, rabbit/hare, dragon, horse, rat, and boar.
Name my 2 favorite movie series?
Star Wars, and Harry Potter.
My Favorite number
In what episode did Lizbeth first appear?
Episode 1
What weapons do Kirito use in GGO?
a plasma sword and pistol
What was the first legendary technique Naruto learned?
Shadow-Clone jutsu
Where do I work
Piggly Wiggly
How many platforms have I had throughout my years?
Name the "Last Attack Bonus" item that Kirito got at the end of floor one.
Bonus: Name the jacket he had at the end of aincrad
Coat of Midnight
The Blackwyrm Coat
episode does Kirito use his illusion magic for the first time?
episode 19
Best Naruto waifu?
Name my waifu in akame ga kill?
What is my favorite manga?
Heaven's Lost Property
Name the sword crafted by Grimlock that supposedly could kill in a safezone.
Guilty Thorn
What did Leafa name the flying elephant thingy in Alfheim?
approximately how many hours long is the uncut versions of naruto and naruto shippuden.
around 350 hours.
Name my waifu in MHA?
Best girl Froppy!
What is my favorite anime?
Trick Question: I don't have a favorite b/c there are too many great ones.