The Greek word geo means earth or soil
based on the root word geo, what might a geologist study?
a. rocks. b. bears
c. outer space. d. germs
What is rocks?
The fan asked for the singer's autograph. she signed the poster.
The word autograph uses the Greek root word graph. what does graph mean?
a. music b. speech
c. writing d. pen
What is writing?
We could not hear Mr. Morris because the micro___ wasn't working.
What Greek root word goes in the blank?
a. scope b. sphere
c. phyll d. phone
What is microphone?
Opposite poles on magnets at____ each other. Meaning they are drawn to each other.
What Latin root word goes in the blank?
a. tort b. tract
c. mit d. grade
What is tract?
The word Jury uses the Latin root word jur. What does jur mean?
a. seat b. law
c. wise d. throw
what is law?