Prenatal Diagnostic Tests
Genotype interactions
Period of Pregnancy
Child Birth

Diagnostic procedure that uses high Frequency sound waves to create a picture of a growing baby. Done no more than 5 times and has no known risks.

What is an Ultrasound?


Parents provide genetic predisposition to the child allows them to evoke reactions in others

What is Evocative genotype-environmental interaction?


Last approximately 3 months each.

What is a Trimester?


Begins at the onset of true labor and ends when the cervix is fully dilated. Known as stage 1 of child birth.

What is early and active labor?


Diagnostic procedure that uses a needle to take a sample of fluid surrounding the baby in the womb. Done between the 15-20th week and poses a risk of miscarriage. 

what is an Amniocentesis?


Parents provide a genetic predisposition that results in a child actively seeking out an environment that fosters certain qualities. 

What is Active Genotype-Enviromental Interaction?


Starts 2 months after conception and last approximately 7 months. Major growth happens in this time 

What is Fetal period?


Typically takes 5-10 minutes, contractions start up to prepare for this stage in labor. It is normal for mothers to shiver and shake after this stage.

What is stage 3: Delivery of the placenta


Limitations include; not being able to get a picture is the area is filled with gas, or surrounded by thick bone.

What is ultrasound?


Parents provide both genetic predisposition and nurturing environment that fosters certain qualities. 

What is Passive Genotype-Environmental Interaction?


Starts 2-8 weeks after conception. The layers of cells are formed and will eventually develop into organs.

What is the embryonic period? 


An important decision a mother must make before going into labor. Involves the usage or nonuse of  analgesics, anesthesia, or oxytocics.

What is childbirth strategies?


A diagnostic procedure done between the 10th-12th week of conception that takes a sample of the finger like villi attached to the placenta. It can cause limb deformities in unborn babies. 

What is Chorionic Villi Sampling?


Starts 2 weeks after conception. A zygote attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. 

What is the germinal period?


When the mother's body begins to heal and adjust to childbearing and childrearing. 

What is postpartum healing?


The two types of CVS.

What are Transcervical and transabdominal?


The 12 week period after giving birth where the mother is going through a transition period. It focuses on the mother's physical recovery and attachment to the baby.

What is the fourth trimester?


Agents that interfere with the growth and development process. children are particularly vulnerable in the first 3 weeks. Susceptibility is dependent of the genetic qualities and metabolization of both mother and child. 

What are Teratogens?
