What is Mars?
The fourth planet from the Sun.
Where can you find out topic sentences?
Usually the 1st or the last sentence, sometimes the 2nd sentence.
Why did the author write the text?
The author's purpose is to inform.
How can you quickly find out the main idea of a paragraph?
Read the topic sentence.
What is section title?
It tells what a section of text is mostly about.
Where is Mars?
It's the fourth planet from the Sun, and next to Earth in the solar system.
Why is it called the Red Planet?
The surface is covered by iron oxide, a mineral which is red in color.
How do you find out the author's purpose?
I read a lot of facts and information.
According to the "Introduction" section, what are the issues we're currently facing?
1. Earth is getting crowded as the human population grows.
2. We're running out of resources.
When did the Curiosity rover land on Mars?
In 2012.
Why is Mars unlivable so far?
1. Only a small amount of liquid water has been found.
2. Much coder than Earth.
3. There is very little oxygen for humans to breathe.
How is Mars similar to Earth?
They both contain water and have a layer of air surrounding them.
What is the Curiosity rover?
It is a robotic motor vehicle that roams the surface of Mars.
Where can you meet Martians?
Movies, imagination, and dreams.
Why do they use the Curiosity rover to study Mars?
It can move on the surface of Mars.
It can find out what the rock is made of.
It has a built-in power source, which produce electricity to run the vehicle.
It sends data back to Earth, which enables scientists to see Mars.
How do scientists study Mars?
They use the Curiosity rover to explore, take pictures, videos, and soil samples, look for sign of life, and send data back to Earth.
What can you do to solve the problems we're facing?
Open-ended question.
Answers will vary.
When can we move on Mars?
Maybe in the future.
Maybe never.
Why do they think humans could live in greenhouse?
Living in a greenhouse would help us by providing water and oxygen.
To provide for energy needs, we can build a power source using solar panels or a nuclear plant.
According to scientists, how could humans live on Mars?
They thought we can live in a greenhouse.