This Behavior Style likes to have their ideas supported.
What is a Talker
An open-ended question for the Approach step at the teller line.
1. What brought you in today?
2. How can I help/assist you today?
3. Other opened ended questions
Member gives you his deposit, as you ask him some questions, he gives the feeling of "Get to the point" What Behavior Style?
What is a Doer
What does AIDINC stand for?
What is Approach, Interview, Demonstrate, Val-I-Date, Negotiate, and Close
Year the first STCU opened?
What is 1934
This Behavior Style desires a business-like approach?
What is a Doer
A member is sitting at your desk, ready to open an account. What open-ended question could you begin with?
1.What financial goals are you working towards, and how can we support you in reaching them?
2. Are there any specific banking services or features you're interested in exploring?
3. What are your financial goals currently?
4. Other opened ended questions
Member comes in upset, explains their day to you. You use a small amount of time to "Build Trust" by listening and being empathetic. This helps with what Behavior Style?
What is Supporter.
What is Interview
Who started STCU?
Who is Ernie McElvain
When communicating with your member they want you to be detailed. What Behavior style is this?
What is a Controller
A member comes in with complaints. What open-ended questions can you ask to assist with the interview process?
1. Can you provide an example?
2. What do you believe is the source of the problem?
3. How can we best support your needs today?
4. Other opened ended questions
Member comes in drops their deposit on the counter and starts to "socialize" with a lot of "enthusiasm". This is what Behavior style?
What is a Talker
Asking questions to solicit opinions for clarification. What AIDINC step is this?
What is Close
Erine Mcelvain was a teacher for what school?
What is Lewis and Clark High School
This Behavior style likes you to speak with conviction and focus on results.
What is Doer
What open-ended questions can you ask to encourage a member to share more about their finances?
1. What are your financial goals currently?
2. What are your short - and long- term financial goals?
3. What are you passionate about in life?
4. Other opened ended questions
A member show's interest in STCU's CD's, ask to have a rate do to showing the "need for details", starts to "analysis" the rates. What behavior style is this?
What is Controller
Created trust throughout the member interactions and translated cost into value. What AIDINC step is this?
What is Val-I-Date
How many STCU's are there?
What is 39
Speaking with warmth and friendly manner while being pleasant and giving assurance is for what behavior style?
What is a Supporter
Open ended questions for IRA/ Investment Services.
The tough questions
1. Have you thought about your retirement plans, and what steps are you currently taking to ensure you're on track?
2. How do you plan to address any potential financial gaps between your projected retirement income and the lifestyle you want to maintain?
3. How do you prioritize between saving for retirement, paying down debt, and building an emergency fund, especially when resources are limited?
What are the "Four Core Traits" of high performer?
1. Strong Goal Clarity
2.High Achievement Drive
3. Healthy Emotional Intelligence
4. Excellent Social Skills
How do I serve? What are the Three Key Roles
"Each interaction my require something different and you may perform one, two, or all of three key roles"
1. Advise -and confirm next appropriate step
2. Refer - to appropriate internal team member for further action
3. Support - internal team members in various roles
What is STCU's 2025 Goal in billions?
What is $4 Billion Dollars