International Human Rights Law
International Humanitarian Law
International Criminal Law
Global Political History

Where is the International Court of Justice located?

What is the Hague?


What is international humanitarian law also known as?

The law of armed conflict or the law of war


What is the permanent international court established to investigate, prosecute, and try individuals accused of committing some of the most serious crimes of international concern?

What is the International Criminal Court (ICC)?


What is the genocide case currently undergoing proceedings at the ICJ? 

South Africa v. Israel. In December 2023, South Africa initiated a lawsuit against Israel, accusing it of committing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, invoking the 1948 Genocide Convention. South Africa alleges that Israel's military operations, including large-scale killings, destruction of homes, and blockade measures that prevent access to food and medical care, amount to genocidal acts.


This is one source of international law. It is composed of principles that are considered binding whether or not states sign or ratify a particular treaty. These rules  gain the force of binding law over time.

What is customary international law?


This is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1949 to promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Europe. It is distinct from the European Union and has 46 member states, covering a wide geographical area across Europe.

What is the Council of Europe?


What are the cornerstone treaties outlining international humanitarian law?

the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols


The subject-matter of international criminal law deals with the liability of?

What is Individuals?


The Mandate System was a framework established after World War I by the League of Nations to administer former territories of the defeated Central Powers. What territories were under Class A Mandates?

These were former Ottoman territories in the Middle East (such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine). The inhabitants were considered relatively advanced, and independence was seen as a near-term goal. Britain and France primarily administered these territories.


The authority of a state to govern itself or another state

What is sovereignty?

When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN General Assembly?

What is 1948?


Which court was responsible for prosecuting war crimes during the Bosnian War?

The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)


What are the core crimes of international law?

What is Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes, and the Crime of Aggression?


What was the last widely recognized country to fully decolonize in the 1990s? 

The last widely recognized country to fully decolonize is generally considered to be Namibia, which gained independence from South Africa on March 21, 1990.


When was the UN Charter signed and where?

What is San Francisco, 1945?


How many Sustainable Development Goals did the UN adopt in 2015 as part of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?  

What is 17?


Which article of the Geneva Conventions prohibits the establishment of settlements in occupied territories?

Article 49(6): "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

How many ICC judges are there, and what are the rules concerning their appointment? 

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has 18 judges who serve nine-year terms. They are elected by the Assembly of States Parties (ASP), which is the governing body of the ICC. The judges must come from different countries, representing the principal legal systems of the world, and no two judges can be from the same country.


What was the Treaty of Kadesh?

It was the first known treaty between countries signed around 1259 BCE between the Egyptian Empire, led by Pharaoh Ramses II, and the Hittite Empire, ruled by King Hattusili III. It is often considered the earliest known international peace treaty in recorded history.


Who is the Director of UCLA Law's International & Comparative Law Program?

What is Jess Peake?


What is newest human rights officially recognized by the UN General Assembly in 2022?

The right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment


Which viral documentary brought global awareness to the atrocities committed by this Ugandan leader?

Kony 2012


What was The Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milošević about? 

Slobodan Milošević, the former president of Serbia and later the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, was the first head of state to be charged with war crimes while still in office. His trial is historically significant for its role in addressing crimes committed during the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, particularly in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo. Milošević faced 66 counts of charges from his alleged role in orchestrating atrocities during the wars, including the Bosnian genocide, the ethnic cleansing of non-Serb populations, and crimes committed in Kosovo.


What is the largest ethnic minority population in the world without a nation-state? 

With around 35 million people, the Kurds are the largest ethnic minority without their own nation-state


Who are the current non-permanent members on the Security Council? Name at least 5 

What are Algeria, Ecuador, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, and Switzerland?
