That is the scientific name for a Black-necked Stilt
It is Himantopus Hexicanus
what is the common name of recurvirostra americana
its a American avocet
what is the scientific name for Semipalmated Plover
Its a Charadrius semipalmatus
What is the common name of Charadrius melodus?
Its a Piping Plover
what is the scientific name for Marbled Godwit
Its a Limosa Fedoa
what is the scientific name for an American Oystercatcher?
It is Haematopus palliatus
what is the common name of a Pluvialis squatarola?
Its a Black-bellied Plover
What is the scientific name for a killdear?
Its a Charadrius vociferus
What is the common name for Bartramia longicauda?
Its a Upland Sandpiper
what is the common name for Arenaria interpres?
Its a Ruddy Turnstone
what is the scientific name of a American Golden-Plover
Its a P. dominica or Pluvialis dominica
what is the common name of P. Fulva/ Pluvialis Fulva
Its a Pacific Golden-Plover
what is the scientific name for Eskimo Curlew
Its a Numenius borealis
what is the common Numenius phaeopus?
Its A Whimbrel.
what is the scientific name for Black Turnstone?
Its a Arenaria melanocephala
what is the scientific name for a Snowy Plover
Its a Anarhynchus nivosus
What is the common name of Anarhynchus Wilsonia
Its a Wilson's Plover
what is the common name of Numenius Tahitiensis
Its a Bristle-thighed Curlew
What is the common name of Numenius Americanus?
Its a Long-billed Curlew
what is the common name of Calidris canutus
Its a Red Knot
what is the scientific name for a Mountain Plover
Its a Anarhynchus montanus
what is the common name for a Charadrius hiaticula
Its A Common Ringed Plover
what is the scientific name for Limosa Haemastica?
Its a Hudsonian Godwit
whats the common name for Limosa Lapponica?
Its a Bar-tailed Godwit
What is the scientific name for a Surfbird
Its a Calidris Virgata