What happened at residential schools?
Indigenous children were taken from their parents and put into schools that thought them to speak english and learn about christian culture.
What is the national anthem of Canada called?
O Canada
When a country takes control of another country, rules over it and uses it resources.
Who wrote the article?
Paul Dixon
What was the movie about?
Two indigenous canadian children experienced years of mistreatment at residential schools and tells their story.
When did the last residential school close?
(between 1980 - 2000)
When did prime minister Stephen Harper hold his speech about the residential schools on behalf of the Canadian government?
The study of what happens to countries and people after colonial rule ends, including how they rebuild their identity and culture.
What was the article about?
His experience at residential schools and how his life has been after.
Was the nuns only evil or where there some good ones at the school?
There where some good and kind ones but also many evil.
Who ran the residential schools?
The government
- nuns and priests
Which valuta is used in Canada?
Canadian dollars
Writing back
When people from former colonies uses stories and language to challenge the way colonial powers describes them.
What is the rest of the title on the article?
... this is what I want my grandchildren to know.
What formes of abuse did the children experience in the movie?
Physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
Harsh punishments for example speaking their national language.
What was the primary goal of the residential school system?
To force indigenous children to abandon their cultural identities by separating them from their families and forcing them to learn about english.
What is their national animal?
The beaver
People who were at the bottom of society during colonial rule with little or no power.
What action did he take during the demolition of the residential school he went to?
He participated in the demolition by destroying parts of the building.
What was the two main characters named?
Lyna and Glenn
When was the residential schools graveyards discovered?
When did Canada become it's own country?
1st of July 1867
Double colonization of women
Women in colonies were controlled twice - one by the foreign rules and one by their own male-dominated society.
What emotions did he describe experiencing during his time in residential schools?
fear, loneliness and homesickness
When is the movie from?