What was the purpose of the residential schools?
To kill the Indian in the child
How many years did he attend the residential schools?
10 years
What are the 3 main ingredients in the national dish?
What happened if the children spoke their native languages in the residential schools?
They had to hold their own tongue
What was the name of one of the schools he attended?
1:Mohawk Institute Residential School run by Anglican priests in Brantford
2:La Tuque Residential School in Quebec.
Describe the flag
Its red, with a white leaf in the middle
What was the name of the main character in the movie?
How did Dixon escape the residential school?
Jumping of a train into snow
What is the Capital of Canada?
What happened to the priest?
He was relocated
What were the last Cree words Dixons dad said to Dixon?
" you must forgive the white man"
What is the most played sport in Canada
What flower did the girl have in her hair?
A daisy
In the first picture in the article, what is Dixon standing in front of?
Him standing in snow with a slegdehammer in front of a residential school