which Canadian Actor has the nickname The Rock
Who is Dwayne johnson
the fastest person ever
Who is Usain Bolt
what is the capital of Canada
what is Ottawa
which continent is Jamaica in?
what is South America.
Who made the song In my feelings
Who is Drake
musicer that made No Woman, No cry
Who is Bob Marley
what is the two official languagues in Canada
what is English And french
which country is just south of Jamaica
What is Cuba.
Who made the song Stay
Who is Justin Bieber
Football player that is from England and Jamaica and plays for Arsenal.
Who is Rahem Sterling
who is the king of Canada
Who is Charles III av Storbritannia
what is the capital of Jamaica
what is kingston
which actor is known for being apart of films like grinchen, Sonic and dumb and dumber
who is jim carrey
Football player that plays for Aston Villa
who is Leon Bailey
what is Canadas currency
what is Canadian dollar
what does Jamaica mean
what is the land of wood and water
Who made the song My heart will go on
who is Celine Dion
Jamaicansk Poet
Who is Louise Bennett-Coverley
What is the life expectency for woman in Canada
what is 84 years
what is the life expectancy of woman in Jamaica
what is 79 years