What special element Canadian flag has?
A maple leaf
The full name of the USA
The United States of America
What do the countries have in common culturely wise?
Both countries have multiculture society
America is the land of..
The national symbol that Canada is most famous for?
Maple leaf
What the American and the Canadian flags have in common?
Red and white colors
Where is Canada situated?
North America
When is American Independence day?
On 4 July
America is described as a "melting pot". What does that mean?
Welcoming people from many countries, races, religions
What is the symbol of American independence?
The Liberty Bell?
Is corrent national flag of Canada younger than the country?
Yes, it is
Which countries The USA borders with?
Canada, Mexico
Which issue had a huge impact on American history?
One of the American values is self-reliance. What is it?
State of mind, when idividuals rely on themselves
What animal is the symbol of Canada?
A beaver.
How many stripes on the American flag?
What is the capital of the USA?
What is Canadian liquid gold?
The maple syrup
... is Canada's strength.
What animal is the symbol of America?
An eagle.
How many stars the USA flag has?
What is te capital of Canada?
The first Europeans discovered Canada were..
What is the national motto of Canada?
From Sea to Sea.
What does the maple tree represent for Canadians?
It represents strength and endurance.