Vegetables & Fruit
Grain Products
Milk & Alternatives
Meat & Alternatives

Rather than drinking fruit juice one should.....

Bonus: Name a fruit or vegetable that you could enjoy instead of fruit juice.

What is eat vegetables and fruit more often?


How many servings of grain does the Canada Food Guide recommend on a daily basis?

Bonus: Name a food that is made from grain.

Canada Food Guide recommends, 6 servings of grain for women and 7 servings of Grain for men.


You may wish to drink one of these two beverages each day. 

Bonus: Please name one benefit of drinking this beverage.

What is 1% or 2% milk.

It helps to maintain the health of our bones and our teeth.


You should have at least two servings of this type of meat/alternative each week.

Bonus: Name a healthy type of fish to recommended by the Canada Food Guide.

Double Bonus: What nutrient does fish have?

What is  5 ozs. of fish (unless you have a seafood allergy).

Salmon, Tuna, Mackeral

Fish contains Omega 3 Fats which are nutrients you get from food (or supplements) that help build and maintain a healthy body. They're key to the structure of every cell wall you have. They're also an energy source and help keep your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immune system working the way they should.



Name a healthier type of pasta than white pasta.

Bonus: What would you add to pasta to make it a complete and healthy meal. 

What is whole wheat pasta.

You could add tomato sauce, vegetables and either fish, chicken or meat and possibly cheese.


At least one of these two colours of vegetables should be eaten each day

Bonus: Name a dark green and an orange vegetable

What is dark green and orange vegetables


This many slices of bread makes one serving of grain products.

Bonus: Name a healthy type of bread

What is one slice of bread.


Yogurts and cheeses are considered to be this in the milk and alternatives food group.

What is alternatives.


You should remove this from poultry before eating it.

Bonus: Why is suggested that you remove the skin from the chicken?

What is skin.

Chicken skin has a rather bad reputation for being high in fat and cholesterol. A 3.5-ounce serving provides around 450 calories, 20 grams of protein, and 40 grams of fat, according to Nutrition Value. 


Which does the Canada Food Guide recommend; 

a) cooking more often 

b) eating out in restaurants more often?

Canada Food Guide recommends that we cook our own food more often.


These three additives should be avoided when selecting vegetables and fruits to eat.

What is fat, sugar and salt. 


According to the Canada Good Guide how much of your plate should be whole grain foods? 

One quarter.


2 cups of milk gives you your adequate serving of this nutrient.

Bonus: Name a way in which this nutrient helps your body.

What is Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is involved in calcium absorption, immune function, and protecting bone, muscle, and heart health. It occurs naturally in food and your body can also produce it when your skin is exposed to sunlight.


Your meats and alternatives should be low in these two things.

Bonus: Name a meat low in salt and fat. 

What are salt and fat?


Which does the Canada Food Guide say is better?

a) Multi Tasking while eating

b) Take time to eat rather than eating while working or doing other things 

b) Focusing on eating rather than eating while working or doing other things.


How much of your plate should be fruits and vegetables according to the Canada Food Guide?

One half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables.


Of these three products: bulgar, couscous and kefir, this one does not fit into the grain products category.

What is Kefir.


You can drink this if you are allergic to milk.

What is fortified soy milk.


These methods of cooking require little or no added fat.

Bonus: What is the definition of poaching? 

What are roasting, baking or poaching.

Heating & Cooking food submerged in water, broth, milk and wine.


What are 3 things that the Canada Food Guide recommends? 

If you said any of these things you were correct.

Make a habit to eat a variety of healthy foods each day.

Eat plenty of vegetables & fruits, whole grain foods and protein foods.

Limit highly processed foods such as 

  • sugary drinks.
  • chocolate and candies.
  • ice cream and frozen desserts.
  • fast foods like French fries and burgers.
  • frozen entrĂ©es like pasta dishes and pizzas.
  • bakery products like muffins, buns and cakes.
  • processed meats like sausages and deli meats

Make water your drink of choice.

Use food labels

Be aware that food marketing can influence your choices.


How many servings of fruit should an adult eat in a day according to the Canada Food Guide?

One to 2 cups of fruit a day.


What types of grains does the Canada Food Guide Recommend?

Canada recommends: quinoa, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, whole oats or oatmeal and whole grain brown or wild rice.


Recently we did a virtual tour of a dairy farm.

Name 2 types of dairy cows.

What is the black & white Jersey cow and the brown & white Guernsey cow.


Beans, lentils and tofu are listed as _ E _ _   _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ E _

What are meat alternatives?


What is halloumi?

Halloumi or haloumi is a semi-hard, unripened cheese made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk, and sometimes also cow's milk. Its texture is described as squeaky. It has a high melting point and so can easily be fried or grilled, a property that makes it a popular meat substitute. Wikipedia 
