Softened wood fibers - used to make paper
A strong connection that people feel toward their region is called
This European country established Quebec City in 1608 calling their new territories New France
This is Canada's national sport
Ice Hockey
A region of rocky uplands, lakes, and swamps that covers about half of Canada
Canadian Shield
This group of people are considered the FIRST Canadians
This invention allowed Canadians create a nation from "sea to sea"
This office heads Canada's government
The Prime Minister
Administrative divisions of a country, the equivalent of Canadian "states" to states of the United States
Canada's national capital located in Ontario
The first group of Europeans that settled Newfoundland Island in about 1000 AD
This city in Ontario has become one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world
This disease in 2003 caused the United States to place an embargo on all of Canadian cattle
Mad Cow Disease
Large fishing ground near Newfoundland and Labrador where the cold waters from the Labrador Sea meet the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean
The Grand Banks
Region that covers more than a third of Canada but is only home to about 100,000 people
The Canadian North
In the mid-1700's the rivalry between France and England became later in history, this war
French and Indian War
Saskatchewan has large deposits of this mineral, used to make fertilizer
Canada's Parliament is structured with which two groups of people
House of the Commons and the Senate
Located in the Heartland, Canada's national capital Ottawa is located in which Province
Native Canadians wanted metal goods from European explorers, such as
Axes and Guns
This province was the first to have a large Asian population
British Columbia
Canada's government is more accurately which form of government
Parliamentary Democracy