In relation to the United States Canada is located here
Where is North
Area in Canada where most citizens stay away from due to its cold weather
What is Northern Canada?
Physical feature that contributes mineral resources for Canada
What is the Canadian Shield?
Identify the Great Lakes by name (HOMES)
What is Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superio
Describe a tariff
Added tax on an imported good?
Parliamentary Democracy
Most citizens of Canada decide to live in this area of Canada
What is the South, close to the United States border
Describe the Southeastern climate
What is warmer than the rest of the country?
Provide examples of minerals that Canada has access to
What is coal, iron ore, copper, gold, diamonds, silver
Physical features that are found in both Canada and the USA
What are the Rocky Mountains and Great Lakes
Describe an embargo
What is a complete stop to all trade, importing and exporting to a country
Head of Government in a Parliamentary Democracy
Who is the Prime Minister
Three bodies of water that surrounds Canada
What are the Atlantic, Pacific, and Artic Oceans
Describe how the Pacific Ocean plays a part in the countrys climate
What is it causes a lot of rain (100 inches), cooler summers, and warmer winters due to the wind
How are rivers and lakes contributing to natural resources
What is providing fish, fresh water, and hydroelectric power
Physical feature located North/Northwest of Quebec
What is the Canadian Shield
Describe a quota
What is limiting the amount of a good that is allowed into a country
Describe how Canada is also a Constitutional Monarchy
They have relations with Europe who has kings/queens
Explain why Canada is considered a leader for world trade
What is because of the access to bodies of water which makes it easier for boats to come to and from the country.
How does the climate determine what type of resources Canada provides
What is due to the cold weather in the North there is limited resources but in the South of Canada due to the warm weather they are able to produce more resources
Explain the benefits of having an abundance of natural resources with a country
Enough for citizens as well trading with other countries for economic gain
Body of water that allows access to inward Canada
What is the St. Lawrence River
Benefits of trade barriers
What is to promote domestic purchases (buying good from your own country)
Who do citizens vote for in a Parliamentary Democracy
What are Parliament members (part of the Legislature)
Identify Canada's largest trading partner
What is the United States?
Describe arable land
Land that has good soil in order to produce various goods (wheat, canola, and other grains)
Major natural resource found in Canada
What is Timber
Province that is natively French that originally wanted to secede from Canada
What is Quebec?
Downsides of trade barriers
Cuba is an example, lack of resources, outdated supplies/resources
How is the Prime Minister chosen
More reds = a red Prime Minister
More blues = a blue Prime Minister