The date Canada became a country
What is July 1
Branch of government in charge of making laws
Who is the legislative branch?
The branch of government responsible for making and carrying out decisions
What is the executive branch?
Branch of government involved in courts of law
Who is the Judicial Branch?
Our Prime Minister's name
Who is Justin Trudeau?
The monarch of Canada's name
Who is Queen Elizabeth II?
It makes Canada's laws and is made up of MP's
What is the House of Commons?
The group of government that is in charge of all legislation involving money
Who is the cabinet?
The highest court of law in Canada
What is the Supreme Court of Canada?
He/She leads the provincial government (job title, not the person's name)
The Premier
The document containing the supreme law of Canada
What is the constitution?
How the House of Commons is chosen
What is election?
The head of government in Canada (job title, not the person's name).
Who is the Prime Minister?
Considered "small claims" courts
What are the Provincial and Territorial Courts?
The level of government that is in charge of Health Care
What is the Provincial government?
This level of government deals with the postal service
What is the federal government?
It reviews laws proposed by the House of Commons.
Who is the Senate?
List two government departments the cabinet are in charge of
What are 1. and 2.
The court you would go to if prosecuting a thief
What is Provincial Court?
The Premier of Manitoba
Who is Brian Pallister?
The three LEVELS of government (not branches)
Federal, Provincial, Municipal
How the Senate is chosen
What is appointed by the Prime Minister?
He/She leads the local/city government
Who is the mayor?
The court would a murder trial take place in
What is the Supreme Court?
He/She represents the Queen in Canada (job title, not the person's name).
Governor General