Regionalism in Canada
Political Cleavages
Key Historical Events
Political Parties & Regionalism
Provincial Power Plays

This region is often known for its demand for more autonomy and has a history of sovereignty movements.

What is Quebec?


This is the term for the political division between rural and urban voters in Canada.

What is the Urban-Rural Divide


This 1982 event was a key moment in Canadian history that brought the Constitution home from Britain.

What is Patriation of the Constitution?


This federal party’s strength is primarily concentrated in Quebec and focuses on promoting Quebec's interests.

What is the Bloc Québécois?


This is the constitutional principle that gives provinces control over natural resources.

What is Section 92A?


This is the term for the economic and political divide between Central Canada (Ontario, Quebec) and the western provinces.

What is Western Alienation?


The political cleavage between this resource-rich province and the federal government has been a key issue, particularly around energy policies.

What is Alberta?


 This 1987 agreement aimed to amend the Constitution but failed to address Quebec's concerns, intensifying regional tensions.

What is the Meech Lake Accord?


This party traditionally represented Western provinces and had voiced concerns about federal policies that disadvantage the region.

What is the Reform Party?


This federal policy on equalization payments has been a major point of contention between wealthier provinces and those receiving payments.

What is the Equalization Formula?


This 1980 and 1995 event showcased the strength of Quebec nationalism

What is the Quebec Referendum?


The demand for self-governance and control over traditional lands by communities highlights this political cleavage in Canada.

What is Indigenous Cleavages?


This landmark Supreme Court decision in 1998 recognized the right of Quebec to hold a referendum on sovereignty, emphasizing the ongoing tensions between provincial rights and national unity.

What is the Reference re Secession of Quebec?


This party’s "Wexit" movement promotes the idea of Western Canada separating from the rest of the country.

What is the Maverick Party?


This 1980 federal policy created tensions between Alberta and Ottawa by redistributing oil revenues and controlling energy prices, deepening the East-West divide.

What is the National Energy Program?


This region has historically been reliant on industries like fishing, shipbuilding, and coal mining, and often expresses concerns about federal policies that seem to favor central Canada.

What is the Maritimes?


This divide stems from the differing interests of English-speaking and French-speaking populations in Canada, especially regarding language rights and cultural representation.

What is the linguistic cleavage?


This crisis in 1970 involved the federal government invoking the War Measures Act in response to terrorist activity in Quebec.

What is the October Crisis?


This political party has historically dominated in Ontario and Quebec but struggles to gain a foothold in Western provinces.

What is the Liberal Party of Canada?


This agreement allows Quebec to collect its own income taxes, granting it more financial autonomy than other provinces.

What is the Quebec Tax Collection Agreement?
