1920s ~ 1930s
1945 ~

A document that was signed on June 28th, 1919, which formally ended the first world war. It was the main result of the Paris Peace Conference.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


Created in 1920, an organization of 63 countries that creates collective security. One of the first models for international organizations. Canada was one of the founding members. 

What is the League of Nations?


On June 6, 1944, this event took place on the French coastline and was a key component to winning World War 2. Featuring mostly Canadians, this battle helped change Canada’s identity and independence in the world.

What is D-Day (Juno Beach)?


Established on April 4th, 1949. This changes Canada's involvement in the world to be recognized as an influential middle-power, as it is the country's first military alliance. 

What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?


A battle during the first world war that was led by the Canadian troops on April 9th to 12th, 1917.

What is the Battle of Vimy Ridge?


Canada contributed to this in the world. In WW1, they contributed numerous amounts in Europe. This has caused immense prosperity in the 20s but was also the cause of the Great Depression in Canada

What is wheat?

(How did Canada's wheat production contribute to the world?)


In December 1939, Canada agreed to host this air force training program in order to provide military support in the air to the Allies during World War 2, changing Canada’s contribution and reliability in the world.

What is the BCATP?


This man won the 1957 Nobel Prize for his involvement in the Suez Crisis. His work changed Canada's identity to be a peacekeeping nation. 

Who is Lester Pearson?


A man who became commander of the Canadian Corps on June 9th 1917. Was best known for his planning and leadership that has led the Allies to victory during WWI.

Who is Arthur Currie?


Happen in 1926, one of Canada’s greatest progress toward changing its legal dependence on Britain.

What is the Imperial Conference and the Balfour Report?


Taking place on the Atlantic Ocean, this battle lasted throughout the duration of World War 2 and changed Canada’s power and role in the world.

What is the Atlantic Battle?


Canada's role is to fund military operations, but we send an average of 24 soldiers at a time to aid Ukraine. This barely maintains Canada's peacekeeping identity as the country begins to let down NATO goals.

What is Canada's role in the Russia-Ukraine War?
