Name the three levels of government in order from most power to least power.
Executive, Legislative, Judiciary
Name the three branches of government
What is a bill?
A bill is a law before it is approved. The bill is the law in "proposal" format. Once a bill is approved, it becomes a law.
What is the main purpose of an election in Canada?
To exercise the freedoms that come with democracy
What is the role of the Governor General?
The GG acts as the liaison between the Canadian government and the British monarchy.
Parliament is a synonym for...
Give 2 examples of what the Provincial government is responsible for.
Student dependent.. Discuss legitimacy and evidence. Some examples may include:
- Transportation
- Education
Who is BILLie Eilish?
JUST KIDDING! Real question,which level of government is responsible for determining the bill's approval?
Legislative/ Parliament
How is a Prime Minister elected in Canada?
In Canada, the Prime Minister is not directly elected by the public. Instead, they are the leader of the political party that wins the most seats in a general election in the House of Commons. The party with the majority forms the government, and its leader becomes the Prime Minister. If no party has a majority, the leader of the largest party becomes the Prime Minister and may need to negotiate with smaller parties to form a coalition government.
Who is our current GG?
Mary Simon
Name three examples of how we see the judiciary government.
Enforcing the law.
- Judges
-Police services
- Local government (municipal gov)
Give 2 examples of how a Lobby group might oppose the laws determined by the government
Student specific. Emphasis on what the lobby group is and how they execute their goal
MP's are responsible for overseeing the bill approval process, who do the bills go through for a final edit?
Senators act as the official editor of all bills before formal approval.
What is the main responsibility of a Member of Parliament (MP) in Canada?
An MP represents their political party in the House of Commons, participate in debates, and vote on laws and policies.
How many seats are in the HOC? Why are there that many specifically?
There are 338 seats in the HOC. There are 338 seats in the HOC because each seat represents a different district/ riding in Canada.
True of False: All three levels of government rely on each other to function appropriately.
Explain your answer.
Student dependent:"If the legislative level of government ceased to exist, the responsibilities of that level would spread, changing the process of government order. It would also not allow the judiciary government to know what to enforce" etc.
Which of the following is a key characteristic of municipal government systems in Canada?
a) Municipal governments are responsible for national defense and foreign policy.
b) Municipal governments are created and governed by provincial or territorial legislation.
c) Municipal governments operate independently of provincial or territorial authority.
d) Municipal governments are led by federally appointed officials.
Fill in the blank
"Senators are appointed by_______. They are responsible for making sure that a bill is in the ______ ______ of everyone"
"Senators are appointed by Justin Trudeau/Prime Minister. They are responsible for making sure that a bill is in the best interest of everyone"
What is the role of the Senate in Canada?
The Senate’s role in Canada is to provide a careful review of legislation passed by the House of Commons.
When you vote in a Federal election, whose names will you see on your ballot?
The names of the running candidates in your riding. They represent the Federal candidate who can potentially win the election.
Explain the relationship between all three levels of government.
Student dependent. Should be rooted in evidence.
What is the primary role of the federal government in Canada?
The primary role of the federal government in Canada is to manage national and international affairs, including defense, foreign policy, immigration, trade, and the overall administration of laws. It also ensures that all provinces and territories are governed under the Constitution and works to maintain national unity.
True of False:
MP's have to have a majority of seats in the HOC for their political party to win.
Discuss minority VS majority vote.
What is the relationship between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet in Canada?
The Prime Minister is the head of the Canadian government and appoints Cabinet ministers from among the Members of Parliament. The Cabinet is made up of these ministers who are responsible for specific government departments and policies.
Name the 5 types of government structures we learned and describe them.
2. Theocracy- gov who governs with religious intent
3. Democracy- voice of the people. Citizens vote
4. Dictatorship/Totalitarian- complete control. Dictatorship=gov Totalitarian= everything
4. Monarchy- Run by a Queen/King. Ruling determined by genetic asscention