True or false, Do you have to wait hours, to see a doctor in a private clinic?
True or false. Does the provincial health insurance pay for things like cosmetic surgery?
Is Canada Health Care free?
What does OHIP stand for?
Ontario Health Insurance Plan.
True or false, Private health insurance plans are usually offered as part of employee benefit packages in many companies.
What does the health card prove?
That you are entitled to the health care services.
True or false, Can you buy private health insurance?
What are "insured health care services" under the Act?
What is Insured health services are medically necessary hospital, physician and surgical services provided to eligible residents.
Name 3 coverage or OHIP.
Drugs when administered in hospital, Laboratory and diagnostic procedures Obstetrical services Complaint-driven office visits Physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy Nursing services, Use of operating room, delivery room and anesthetic facilities
How is our Health Care paid for?
What is taxes.
What is the wait for coverage of OHIP?
What percentage does the private insurance give to private clinics?
State two certain groups of people that the provincial/territorial health plans ARE NOT responsible?
•Aboriginal Canadians living on reserves
•Members of the Armed Forces
•Members of the RCMP (but not their families)
•Inmates of federal correctional institutions
How many specialty doctors are working in Canada?
What are the reason people get private health care?
corrective lenses, medications, or home care, a private insurance plan offsets such medical expenses.
Name three out of the four status you need to be eligible for OHIP?
• Be a Canadian citizen, • Be physically present in Ontario for over 153 days in any 12 month period • Be physically present in Ontario for at least 153 days of the first 183 days immediately after establishing residency in the province • Make your primary of residence in Ontario.