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Who Came To Canada
Klondike Gold Rush
The "Golden West"

The first prime minister to want immigrants to come to Canada

Who is John A. MacDonald?


 The Salvation Army, helped how many people immigrate to Canada

 Over 150 000


When was the Klondike gold rush 



Why was Canada West called the "Golden West"?

For the land there was used for growing golden fields of crops. As well for the gold rush that occurred there.


How does allowing immigrants to come to Canada help the economy?

The more people that come, the more goods are made and bought, increasing the economy.


How many Americans moved to Canada. Who specifically came from America?  

750 000 Americans.  Some were immigrants including,  Mennonites, Russian Doukhobors, Ukrainians. 


Where did the Gold rush begin?

In Yukon, near the Klondike river in Bonanza creek


What did the government take interest in that bothered the first nations?

The government was looking for valuable minerals on their land.


What were the three types of people Clifford wanted for settling in the west?

He wanted people from the USA, northern Europe and Scotland and central Europe


Explain some reasons why immigrants would want to come to Canada.

Opportunities, land. They were harassed and denied rights in their home country.   


How did the gold rush and the golden west influence First Nations of the west?

It forced them to change their way of life.


What happened in 1889 and why?

The government reduced the amount of land the first nations can use. They also banned them from using modern equipment. This is because the settlers feared that the first nations would be better farmers than them.


Why did John Palliser lead an expedition to the west?

To gather information to see how suitable agriculture can grow in the west for immigrants.


How were home children treated in when brought to Canada?

Some were treated as a member of the family while others were abused and mistreated. 


What happened in 1898?

Superintendent Sam Steele of the North-West Mounted Police came to Dawson and the Yukon Act separated Yukon from the rest of the North-West Territories 


How did Canada become the largest wheat producer in the world?

The USA and Russia had big populations they needed to feed first before exporting. This gave them little wheat to export.


Can you name a country where Canadian immigration offices were set up?

Canada opened offices in Europe and the USA.


Why was the French education canceled?

The French in the west were a minority. They didn't want to waste money on their education.


Who was Robert Henderson and what did he do?

He was a prospector who told Carmack about a source of gold. He was rude to First Nations and Skookum Jim Mason, so when they struck gold, they did not tell Henderson. 


When did the USA run out of the land, and what effect did it have on Canada?

The last bit of USA land sold was in the 1900s in the west. This caused immigrants to move to Canada because there was more land.
