The three distinct groups of Aboriginal Peoples of Canada.
What are First Nation, Metis, and Inuit?
The population of Indigenous Peoples in Canada before the arrival of the newcomers.
What are estimates of 350,000 to 500,000 with estimates as high as 2 million?
The percentage of children that survived Residential Schools and the percentage of survivors that developed a mental illness.
What is 50% and 90%?
The European Settler who arrived to the Americas thinking it was India.
What is "Christopher Columbus"?
The Indian Act denied Indian status to this group of Indigenous Peoples.
What are Metis?
The population of Indigenous Peoples in Canada after the arrival of the newcomers.
What is 100,000 and 125,000, including 10,000 Metis and 2000 Inuit by 1871?
The training required to be a teacher at a residential school.
What is no professional training?
The name for North America from an Indigenous creation story.
What is "Turtle Island"?
The circumstances in which Indigenous Peoples would be required to give up their Indian status and acquire Canadian citizenship.
What is: 1) marrying a non-Aboriginal man if one were an Aboriginal woman (an Aboriginal man did not lose his status if he married a non-Aboriginal woman);
2) receiving a university degree;
3) becoming a doctor, lawyer, or clergyman;
4) being away from the reserve for four years or more (this impacted veterans returning from World War I and II who came back to no recognized status);
5) voting in a Canadian election (until 1960 when all Indigenous Peoples were given the right to vote in federal elections)?
“The skin lesions caused by smallpox similarly spread microbes by direct or indirect body contact (occasionally very indirect), as when U.S. whites bent on wiping out ‘belligerent’ Native Americans sent them gifts of _______ previously used by smallpox patients."
What are blankets?
The last residential school closed in this year.
What is 1996?
The amount of money First Nations individuals receive annually from the government for the Treaty 8 agreement.
What is $5?