How many genres did we talk about today and what were they?
Which genre was the trumpet mostly played in?
Which artist wrote "Dancer"
What was his most famous song?
YES :)
What was the most popular genre in the 1950s and 1960s?
It's Rock & Roll! :)
Name one instrument that was played in the funk genre. Try to choose an instrument we listed in our presentation.
drums, keyboard, organ, saxophones
Who was known for their funk music?
Gino Vannelli
When and where was Leonard Cohen born?
He was born on September 21st, 1934, in Montreal Quebec, Canada.
What number place is Canada's music industry in the world?
6th place
What was Leonard Cohen's main genre?
Rock and pop 😎
Give two examples of brass instruments that were used from 1950 - 1980.
trumpet, trombones,
Who was known for having four hands on the piano?
Oscar Peterson
When did Leonard Cohen start playing the guitar?
When he was 13, in 1947.
Who was one person that made contributions to Canada's music?
Indigenous Peoples, French, British, Irish
Which genre was famous for its syncopated rhythms and melodies?
Can you name the three specific types of guitars that were used in Rock and Roll?
Electric, acoustic, and bass guitar
Which artist wanted to become a writer before becoming a musician?
Leonard Cohen
Where did Cohen usually sing all night long at?
Restaurants and bars.
Name two people that contributed to Canada's music industry.
British, Indigenous Peoples, Irish, French
Which genre started using more "electronic" music technologies (synths, etc.)?
Funk :)
violin, viola, saxaphone, harp, cello
What song did The Guess Who write that was in our presentation?
"These Eyes"
What were Leonard's two other occupations other than a singer?
He was also a poet and novelist.
What two genres were known to be only played and listened to by white people?
Rock & Roll and Jazz