The Canadian Shield has many of these, and they were used by the explorers for exploring and easy travel.
What is rivers
The First Nations sold beaver pelts to this Company who ended up exploiting them
Who is the Hudson Bay Company
This is the largest body of water in the Canadian Shield located between Quebec and Ontario and is named after a famous explorer.
What is Hudson Bay.
These people worked ALONE in the fur trade, going to the camps and trading with First Nations people. They often lived with the First nations.
Who are the Coueur Des Bois
Name the Bay where the large hydroelectric project was installed that Hudson Bay feeds into
What is James Bay
These 2 natural resources in the Canadian Shield are mined; they are valuable; one is yellow and one is grey; and both are used to make jewelry!
What is gold and silver
The name of the action of carrying the canoes when the rivers got too rough.
What is portage or portaging
Who was the English explorer who mapped most of Western Canada and is also known as the greatest map maker of all time?
Who is David Thompson