What province is Victoria in?
British Columbia
How many cups is 250 ml?
What is the official winter sport in Canada?
Ice Hockey
What are the official languages of Canada?
English and French
What three Canadian territories are on the Artic ocean?
Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut
What is an 'early bird'?
Someone who wakes up early.
What is Canada's only Major League Baseball team?
Toronto Blue Jays
How many provinces does Canada have?
What is the capital of Canada?
What is a PSA?
Public Service Announcement
What Canadian city hosted the 2010 Winter Olympics?
Who is Justin Trudeau?
The current prime minister of Canada
What continent is Canada in?
North America
How many food groups are in Canada's Food Guide?
How is culture like an ________?
How many languages are spoken in Canada?
Over 200
What province is Anne of Green Gables from?
Prince Edward Island
What is an example of a protein?
Chicken, beef, pork, beans
What is an example of deep culture?
beliefs, values, etc.
Name one city that you can see the Northern Lights?
Yellowknife, Whitehorse
In what province can you try eating beaver tails?
What is it called if someone does not eat animal by products?
What is the importance of Viola Desmond being featured on the Canadian $10 bill?
It was the beginning of human rights and freedoms in Canada.
Who is the famous Canadian who sings 'Baby'?
Justin Beiber