What are Canada’s 2 Official National sport?
Lacrose and Hockey
Which is Older: Canadian Pacific Railway or the Trans-Canada Highway?
Canadian Pacific Railway
Which Province has the largest dairy industry?
What NBA team moved TO Memphis in 2001?
Vancouver Grizzlies
Who was elected as Prime Minister in Canada’s first federal election?
Sir John A. Mcdonald
The price of what resource increased by over 70% in 1973, causing Canada‘s inflation rate soar?
How many judges are in the Supreme Coart of Canada?
When was teh British North Amerixa Act Enacted?
What Ontario city is nicknamed ”Chemical Valley”?
Which is Larger: Great Bear Lake or Great Slave Lake?
Great Bear Lake
what Candian swimmer won four medals at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro?
Penny Oleksiak (1 Gold,1 Silver,2 Bronze)
According to Environment Canada, How many hours must a snowstorm last before it can officially be classified as a blizzard?
4 hours
Canadian Roy Brown was credited with shooting down what famous World War I pilot?
Red Baron
Aftrer Promising not to, Mackenzie King introduced conscription during what war?
In 1778, explorer James Cook sailed along the coast of which province?
What year did Wayne Gretzky win the Calder Trophy for rookie of the year in the NHL?
He never did
What band recorded the 1990 hit Home for a Rest?
Spirit of the West
In 1873, what prime minister was accused of misappropriating funds in what became known as the Pacific Scandal?
Sir John A. Macdonald
Rick Hansen Travelled around the world raising money for spinal cord research. What made his trip more challenging?
How did the Blackfoot Traditionally kill Bison at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump?
By chasing them off the cliff
What former Edmonton businessman known as “Peter Puck”?
Peter Pocklington
Lester B. Pearson became prime minister in 1963. Who was the first prime minister since Pearson not have attended law school?
Stephen Harper