Immune system
Cancer Treatment
Nursing care Chemotherapy


What is a side effect of cancer and cancer treatment that causes a loss of appetite?


Immunologic surveillance

What is something the body does to find cells that don't belong in the body and destroy them? (ie. viruses, bacteria, etc.)


IV site checks

When administering chemotherapy into an IV what must the nurse do to ensure the safety of the patient?


Cancer treatment goals?

Cancer Treatment Goals

  • Cure: Although it’s rare to say “cured,” the goal is to eliminate disease.

  • Control: For cancers that can’t be eradicated, therapies aim to extend life.

  • Palliation: Focuses on quality of life, controlling symptoms.



What is the pnuemonic for determining if you may have a sign/symptom of cancer?

Daily double: name them all



What is an easily recognizable effect of cancer treatment that results in loss of hair?


T Lymphocytes

What is a specific type of lymphocyte that surveiles for cancer?


RBC's, WBC's, Platelets

What part of your patient research would you want to make sure and check when caring for a patient with a cancer diagnosis?


When a nurse is assigned a patient on chemotherapy, name 5 nursing safety considerations. 

  • Chemotherapy is hazardous to those giving the treatments as well as patient

  • Special precautions for caregivers/nurses/pharmacists that handle and prepare chemo

  • Extra gloving, gowns, and goggles/face shield 

  • Oncology/chemotherapy nursing certification

  • Do not care for patient receiving chemotherapy if you are pregnant or could be

  • Use 2 pairs of gloves to dispose of bodily fluids

  • Always wash hands with soap and water after care and not hand gel

  • Precaution should continue for 48-72 hours after last chemo treatment is given


What type of lump should a person doing a self breast exam be concerned about?

Fibroadenomas, breast cysts, lumps caused by fibrocystic changes, fat necrosis (from injury or surgery), and small, moveable, smooth-textured lumps that are painless and consistent in size and location.

When to see a doctor about a breast lump:

  • New lump that feels different from other breast tissue
  • Lump that is hard, fixed, or irregular in shape
  • Painful lump, especially if accompanied by skin changes like redness or nipple discharge
  • Rapidly growing lump
  • Concerns about family history of breast cancer 

Stomatitis, mucositis, and esophagitis

What are the effects of chemotherapy or radiation treatment that destroys rapidly regenerating epithelial cells located in field (e.g., head and neck, stomach, esophagus)? 


T lymphocytes

What type of cell is responsible for recognizing cancer cells via cell mediated immunity?


Normals for RBC's, WBC's, and platelets?

Hemoglobin: Normal range for adult males: 13.5-17.5 g/dL; Normal range for adult females: 12.0-15.5 g/dL 

Hematocrit: Normal range for adult males: 41-50%; Normal range for adult females: 36-48% 

WBC's: 4,500 to 11,000 cells per microliter (µL) 

Platelets: 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter (µL)


Zofran or phenergan

What is nausea treatment?


Activity Intolerance r/t side effects of treatment, weakness from cancer.

What is a nursing problem.



What is an altered perception of taste that manifests as metallic, salty, sour, or bitter taste in the mouth?


 Malignant cancer cells

What is a cell that can evade the immune system and is able to spread to other tissues or organs?


Easy bruising, prolonged bleeding from cuts, wounds, or surgery, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, heavy menstrual periods, blood in the urine or stool

Frequent infections, fatigue and weakness, etc.

Symptoms fatigue or weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, and irregular heartbeat.

What is symptoms for thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, or anemia.


Beams directed from ouside the body.

What is external radiation?


Assessment questions

What is the most important thing a nurse can do when caring for a patient with cancer?



What is known as wasting syndrome, a syndrome that is characterized by unintended weight loss and loss of appetite?



What is the type of cell that surveillances for altered cells in the body?


Cancer diagnosis

Name a situation in which the nurse would need to discuss multiple complications and possibly emotional distress regarding their diagnosis?


Reducing the size of the tumor to control patient discomfort.

What is debulking surgery?


10 cares that are important when a patient on chemotherapy.

Avoid fresh fruits or vegetables, Do not go near cut flowers, dried flowers, or potted plants. Do not touch soil. Water from the home faucet is safe if it comes from a city water supply or a municipal well serving a large population. Bottled water must state “reverse osmosis filtration” on the label. Ask your nurse for the UPMC patient information sheet “Safe-Water Guidelines for Patients with Weakened Immunity.” Do not take a tub bath. Take showers or sponge baths. If you have a central venous catheter, cover it with a waterproof dressing before you shower. When a central venous catheter is first inserted, allow 72 hours to pass before you take a shower, or as instructed by your surgeon. Do not use contact lenses. Do not get a body piercing or tattoo. If you have pierced-body jewelry, speak with your doctor or nurse about removing it. Talk to your oncologist before you get any vaccination. Women should check with their doctor or nurse before any gynecological exam or procedure is scheduled. Avoid contact with farm animals and all types of birds. These animals may carry fungal, bacterial, and viral germs. If you have a pet at home, do not come in contact with its feces or urine. Do not allow the pet to lick your face. Be sure to wash your hands after touching your pet. Do not clean fish tanks. Ask your nurse or dietitian to provide and review with you the UPMC patient information page, “Neutropenic Diet.” 

Avoid the following foods: Raw fresh fruits or vegetables, Raw or rare-cooked meats, fish, and eggs, Food prepared in unknown conditions, Fast foods, deli counters, and salad bars (including macaroni salad and pasta salad), Soft or frozen yogurt with active cultures, Fresh or dried herbs or seasonings that are added to food after cooking (pepper from individually wrapped packets may be added after cooking), Dried fruits and raw nuts
