This common cancer treatment uses drugs to kill cancer cells.
The term for a permanent change in a cell’s DNA sequence.
This common habit, which causes DNA damage, is the leading preventable cause of cancer worldwide.
This is the most common type of breast cancer, starting in the milk ducts.
Ductal Cancer/Adenocarcinomas
This element, often associated with glowing lights, is used in some cancer treatments because of its radioactive properties.
This treatment type uses the patient’s immune system to fight cancer by enhancing or restoring immune responses.
What is the G0 phase?
The inactive phase outside of the cell cycle.
A lack of this vitamin, synthesized by the skin in response to sunlight, is linked to a higher risk of some cancers.
This hormone, which promotes breast cell growth, can also fuel certain breast cancers.
This surprising fact about DNA shows how small changes in genetic code can sometimes lead to huge differences in appearance.
Genetic Variation
This gene-editing technology allows scientists to edit specific genes and is being researched as a potential cancer therapy.
This type of mutation can be passed from parents to offspring.
Germline Mutation
This screening method, used in high-risk individuals, can detect early signs of lung cancer.
CT Scan (Low-Dose)
This type of therapy blocks hormones like estrogen to slow the growth of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer.
Hormone Therapy
This everyday drink has been shown to have potential anti-cancer properties, particularly in reducing the risk of colon cancer.
Cells become cancerous after accumulating mutations in these types of genes that control growth.
This type of DNA mutation occurs in a single nucleotide and can cause genetic disorders like sickle cell anemia.
Point Mutation
This type of cancer is linked to long-term infection with H. pylori bacteria.
Stomach Cancer
Mutations in this gene are linked to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.
This insect's venom has shown potential in studies to target and kill cancer cells in certain types of research.
Carcinomas develop from cells that form this type of tissue covering internal organs.
Epithelial Tissue
These segments of DNA are responsible for regulating the activity of oncogenes.
This substance in processed meats has been classified as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization.
This type of breast cancer does not form a lump but causes the skin of the breast to appear red and swollen.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
This surprising organ, although not typically thought of as part of the immune system, plays a major role in defending the body against infections and cancer.