How many stars does this hotel have?
4 1/2
What do they do on Sundays and Fridays?
Sundae’s and Pizza!
What is the one place they always go too?
David’s Father has three sons: Snap, Crackle, and ___
What is New York known for?
The Statue of Liberty
What time did we leave the pool yesterday?
4:30- 5:00
What do the Nambiar’s always remember to do at the pool?
Put Sunscreen on
What do the Shingalas always forget to do at the pool?
Can you name three cosuective days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?
Yesterday, Today, and tomorrow.
What is Paris known for?
The Eiffel Tower
What do the women on the beach who don’t work or stay here do?
Braid Hair
What is Sanjin’s biggest fear?
What is Amaya Biggest Fear?
What runs around the whole yard without moving?
A fence.
What is Canada known for?
Niagara Falls
What is the name of the lunch place?
Beach Walk
What is Jai’s biggest fear?
What is Sangeeta’s Biggest Fear?
Losing her Family
What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?
Your name.
What is Cuba known for?
Old Havana
When did the JW Marriott first open? ( Years. Ex: 1800’s.)
What is Anita’s biggest fear?
Being In ice
What is Amaya’s biggest fear?
What goes up, but never goes down?
Your Age.
What is Japan known for?
Mount Fuji