Can be broken into four pieces.
what is a KIT KAT
these round yellow balls will leave you all puckered up
what are Lemon heads
How many calories are in Gummy bears?
what is nine calories per gummy bear
What candy bar changes shape for the holidays?
what is Reese's cups
has caramel peanuts nougat and chocolate and will make you feel like yourself again
what is a snickers
these " happy guys "come in all kinds of flavors from blue raspberry to sour apple
what are jolly ranchers
How many flavors do gummy bears come in?
what is raspberry, orange, pineapple, strawberry and lemon(5)
What is the most popular cookie to add candy to?
What is chocolate chip cookies
this candy bar has its own theme park
What is a hersheys bar
what candy "grows" from a mixture of sugar, water and kool aid
What is rock candy
How many gummy bears come in a package?
what is thirty to fifty pieces
What melts in your mouth not in your hand and come in all different colors but they taste the same?
What are M&M's
this candy candy bar has a right and left side
what is a Twix bar
these are small bright colored and spicy and might leave you feeling warm inside
what are red hots
what gummy candy is sour then sweet and shaped like a kid?
what is a sour patch kid
What has more sugar a candy bar or a can of soda?
What is soda?
this is crunchy and peanut butter flavored and you better not lay a finger on mine
these candies not only taste great but might come in handy on a boat
what are life savers
what is the base ingredient in gummy candies?
What is gelatin?
makes you taste the rainbow?
what are skittles?