Emotions and zones
Calming down
Communication and problem solving

Name 4 types of bullying

Physical, verbal, social and cyberbullying


Are all emotions normal to experience or there are also bad emotions?

all of emotions are normal to experience, there are no bad or good emotions because all of them have a job to do


Name 3 ways you can calm down

Deep breathing, drawing, music, taking a shower, going for a walk,...


Can expected behaviors change or they always stay the same? 

Yes! They change when something changes in our surrounding and we need to change our behaviours to survive or stay safe (example: Covid 19)


Name 3 styles of communication





If your friend tells you something in confidence and it is about them being bullied, should you break the confidentiallity rule and still tell an adult?

YES! Always tell an adult that someone is not safe! IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO KEEP YOUR FRIEND SAFE THAN KEEPING A SECRET


What can happen in your body when you are feeling angry?

Heavy breathing, red face, heart beats fast, shaking, tight muscles


There are 2 kinds of thoughts we can have:

a) yellow and purple

b) red and green

c) black and white

b) red and green


What is expected behaviour

- in the library?

- in the gym?

- in the library: reading s book, staying silent, have a library card

- in the gym: jump, run, use equipment


Explain passive style of communication

Passive- only cares about others being happy and is scared of making others upset by sharing their feelings or needs


If I play online games with someone for a long time, but have not met them in person, are they now a friend to me or still stranger to me?

If you have not met them in person, then they are still a stranger to you


Name 2 emotions that are similar, but one is stronger

Happy and excited

Anger and Enraged

Nervous and Anxious

Tired and Exhausted



Explain the green zone and why is it helpful with problem solving?

We are calm 

We are under control of our emotions and actions (what we say and do)

We can think clearly

We have green thoughts that can encourage us to try our best


Are expected behaviours important for friendships? If yes, could you try to explain why that is.

They might want to unfriend us because of how we treat them/act around them. If we do unexpected behaviours, they might not feel safe around us or could get in trouble because of us


What are the 4 parts of an I message?

I feel…

When you…


I would like you too…


Is tris true or false? 

Arguments can happen by accident.

True, in arguments no one is trying to hurt anyone on purpose


Name 3 rules we want to follow if in the red zone if we want to stay safe?

Don’t hurt others, don’t hurt yourself, don’t break things


What do you do if you tried one thing from the calm down poster and it didn’t work?

Just try another one


What can you do if you are someplace new and don’t know the expected behaviour for that place?

Ask or Look around


When Neva has a problem with friends she looks at them like they are stupid and wrong. She tells them that she is right and they are wrong, and won't listen to anything they have to say. 

What is this communication style called?

Is it helpful or unhelpful? 

(2 answers)




Name 3 strategies on what to do about cyber bullying

Tell an adult 


Report to admins

Leave the game/chat



Where would Nervous go in the zones of regulation?


Any zone except for the green zone! It depends on the person and situation


Explain the calm down box 

- items are all in one place so it is easier for me to find them when I need to calm down

- items inside are tools, not toys

- I use it with my calm down poster

- I am not distracting others while using it


What happens if we hang around others who show unexpected behaviours

They might be a bad influence or people might think we will do unexpected behaviours


Explain STOPLIGHT strategy in 3 steps

Stop - check your zone and get back to the green zone

Think - what is the problem? come up with 2-3 possible solutions

Go - try them out and see if any of them work
