Name 3 common terms for cannabis
List 2 immediate symptoms of cannabis use.
What s red eye, increased heart rate, dry mouth, altered perception, impaired coordination.
Name 2 ways cannabis can be consumed.
What is from smoking, vaping, edibles, an oils.
List 2 harm reduction strategies.
What is to start slow, don't drive, avoid mixing with other substances, and use in safe environments.
Define THC and CBD
What is THC is psychoactive and CBD is non-psychoactive
Name 3 long-term consequences.
What are memory problems, reduced motivation, potential addiction, respiratory issues, mental health impacts
How long do edible effects typically last?
What is typically 6-8 hours, can extend up to 12 hours.
Why should you be cautious with edibles?
What is because there is a delayed onset, they are easy to overconsume, the effects last longer, and it's harder to control the dose.
What makes a substance "psychoactive"?
What is when a substance affects brain function causing changes in mood, consciousness, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors
How does cannabis affect heart rate?
What is cannabis typically increases heart rate by 20-50 beats per minute for up tp 3 hours after use.
Compare smoking vs. vaping effects.
What is smoking is more harmful and introduces more harmful chemicals in a short time. Vaping has fewer combustion products.
Name 3 activities to avoid while using cannabis.
What s driving, operating machinery, making important decisions, complex tasks, and athletic activities.
Name 2 different cannabis strains.
What are indica, sativa, and hybrid varieties.
Explain what EVALI is.
What is when vaping produces a severe respiratory illness.
What chemicals are found in Cannabis smoke?
What are tar, carbon monoxide, carcinogens, and similar toxins to tobacco smoke.
Describe the continuum of use stages.
What are abstinence, experimental use, social/recreational use, regular use, dependence/addiction.
Give 3 examples of therapeutic purposes or medicinal reasons why someone would use cannabis ?
What is for pain, muscle relaxation, anxiety, muscle soreness, to increase appetite in cancer patients, to help sleep, provide calm and help with stress"
Describe the impact of cannabis on the brain.
What is can affect memory learning, and attention, may impact brain development until 25, may potentially lower IQ with heavy usage.
Explain 2nd hand and 3rd hand exposure.
What is 2nd hand is when an individual inhales someone else's cannabis., 3rd hand comes from residual chemicals on surfaces, clothes, and hair.
Explain why source matters when obtaining cannabis.
What is for contaminants, potency, and age requirements.