What are the two main components of cannabis?
Is the damage from cannabis use as an adolescent reversible?
Unknown - but not as likely as it is for an adult brain to recover
Does cannabis treat pain?
Yes – reduces pain in cancer, helps with nausea in chemo, and reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma. Not a panacea for all ailments or pain sources
Can you develop a tolerance to cannabis?
YES - Aka TOLERANCE. But also receptors behaving differently, when use is happening more than twice a week, the receptors adjust so it requires more – increase dosage or use, and “positive effects” such as; decrease in anxiety, feeling of creativity, are less. Anxiety worsens over time – both when people are sober and high. People may change their delivery method in order to avoid this effect; it’s not avoidable
Has cannabis legalization led to an increase in adolescent use?
Answer: YES - There’s an assumption that something that is legal is safe – it negates the fact that it can be dangerous. Use is correlated to the degree people think something is dangerous. We aren’t just hearing that it’s safe to use, we’re hearing that it’s “good” to use, and not hearing about the dangers. Perceptions it’s not as bad as alcohol, not that bad, may even be good. Adolescents are more likely to adopt use.
Does cannabis induced psychosis always resolve?
Not always
Is cannabis an effective long-term treatment for anxiety?
No, in chronic use 2x a week or more there is a well-documented effect of anxiety relief (that was initially brought) being less and less potent (over 12 months) Individuals would need to use more for same anxiety relief and sometimes it had the opposite effect to increase anxiety – both when not using and while using.
What is considered heavy cannabis use?
Answer: more than 2x per week
Chronic cannabis use (more than 2x a week) has been associated with mental health disorders
In 1970, how was cannabis classified in the US?
Schedule I (most dangerous)
True or False: Heavy use of cannabis doubles your risk of psychosis
FALSE – 4x risk of psychosis: schizophrena and bipolar like episode.
30x greater likelihood of bipolar if you have relative with bipolar
Can cannabis induce depression?
Yes - Depression increases over time of use, especially in individuals who were not depressed prior to use. We now know that depression is not a strong predictor of seeking out cannabis – but cannabis use itself makes people 4x likely to develop chronic depression, especially in young people.
What age do people typically start using cannabis?
Answer: Typical age of use when people start: 18 – 19
What are 3 specific symptoms of cannabis withdrawal?
Sleep disturbances, irritability, depressed mood
What is the biggest risk factor for harmful effects from cannabis?
Which system of the body and brain does cannabis work on?
Cannabinoid system (but does interact/involve other systems)
What percentage of young (16-24 year old) cannabis users are using daily?
Answer: 20% of young cannabis users are using DAILY
(16-24 year olds)
What 3 factors determine how someone experiences cannabis?
Individual brain chemistry, genetics, prior life experiences
True/False: THC potency has tripled from 1997 – 2022
False – it’s quadrupled
What does the endocannabinoid system do?
Modulate other signals, amplify or diminish them
How many times do people try to quit cannabis use, on average?
People try to quit about 6 times