What body of water typically carves a canyon?
What is the largest canyon in the United States?
The Grand Canyon
What large bird with sharp eyes often soars over canyons?
What is a spikey desert plant that grows near or in many canyons?
What material is worn down over time to create canyons?
In which state is the Grand Canyon located?
What flying animals might come out of a canyon's caves at night?
What tree is found near most canyons with evergreen needles instead of leaves?
Pine Tree
What is the name of the process that forms a canyon?
What river continues to carve the Grand Canyon?
What poisonous slithery reptile often lives in canyons?
True or False: Not many plants can live in canyons due to their harsh and dry weather conditions.
True or False: Once a canyon is formed, its shape does not change.
False, a canyon's shape is constantly changing!
What group of ancient Indigenous people considered the Grand Canyon to be a holy place?
About how many different types of animals live in the Grand Canyon?
Over 600
About how many different types of plants can be found in the Grand Canyon?
Just over 1,700