What is Nora's real name?
Who is the author?
Dusti Bowling
What day did the shooting happen?
Nora's birthday
What type of poetry do Nora and her Dad like?
What does Dad give Nora when they get to the bottom of the canyon?
A heart shaped rock.
Why does Nora like writing?
It makes her feel closer to her Mom.
What does Nora tell dad she wants do to when she makes up a haiku?
That she wants to go back to school.
Why does Nora's dad limp?
He was shot in the leg.
What tries to attack Nora?
What secret did Nora keep from her parents to not disappoint them?
That she is scared of heights.
What tool does Nora's therapist suggest she use to help?
She suggests she start writing.
What are the last words Dad says to Nora before he falls in the water?
"I love you, I'm sorry, hang on"
What are the last words Nora says to her Dad before the flashflood comes?
"I hate you"
Why does Nora decide not to walk to the Jeep after her first night in the canyon?
What does Nora find in the backpack that helps save them.
A flare gun.
What was the name of the restaurant Nora's family was at during the shooting?
Café Ardiente
How does Nora divide her life?
The Before and the After
What nickname did Nora's Mom give her?
What fruit does Nora find once she's out of the canyon?
A prickly pear
What stings Nora?
A bark scorpion, the most venomous scorpion in the desert.
What animal does Nora see right before she finds Dad?
A fox
Who did Dad wish Nora had invited on the canyon trip?
What does Nora use to fuel her climb out of the canyon?
Who was Nora's Moms favorite band?
The Beatles
What kind of knot does Nora like to tie to help her calm down?
A figure-eight knot