Show your QS how to access HMMIS
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Where do we meet, and what should we take from the lab, if there is a fire alarm in the CSC building?
By the tree at the entrance to the BAP parking lot on the south side of the building.
Emergency Preparedness Plan (Red Binder).
What biosafety level is our lab?
Hint: There's a sign.
Biosafety Level 2
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What days will CAP be on site?
March 19th and 20th!
Show your QS how to find the Mayo FLA Safety Page
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What does P.A.S.S stand for?
What kind of disposal container do you put a tube containing bodily fluid in?
Red bin
Are scrubs considered PPE?
What does CAP stand for?
College of American Pathologists
Show your QS how to locate the Biorepository’s PPE policy.
Title 21 - BP.POL-42122
Emergency Preparedness Plan binder
What does R.A.C.E stand for?
Relocate, Activate, Contain, Extinguish (if safe to do so)
Where is this located?
"Master copies are retained online. Printed copies are considered current only on the date printed unless stamped Controlled"
In the footer of all policies and procedures.
How should your glove meet your lab coat sleeve cuff?
Glove goes over the cuff.
How often does BAP/PRC have an external CAP Inspection?
Every other year
Show your QS how to locate the Chemical Safety Hygiene Plan Policy
Apart from Title 21, where can you find the Incident Contact List?
First page of the EPP Binder.
How long do you flush your eyes for after a chemical splash?
15 minutes
What PPE is required when working with cryogenic liquids?
1. Thermal insulated gloves
2. Shielding of all skin
3. Cuffed lab coat
4. Apron
5. Protective eyewear
6. Face shield
7. Closed toe, impervious material shoes
Who is the CAP Director? Who is our Program Director?
CAP Director - Dr. Khoor
BAP Program Director - Dr. Cicek
Describe the SOP steps necessary if a sample has leaked in a biohazard bag.
Specimen Spill Cleanup: Blood and Body Fluids BP.PROC-61133
What document in the EPP binder covers responsible parties and their actions during a water outage?
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan
Is Trichloroacetic Acid a hazardous waste?
What is the correct order for donning and doffing PPE?
1. Lab Coat
2. Mask (if applicable)
3. Protective Eyewear/Face Shield
4. Gloves
1. Gloves
2. Lab Coat
3. Protective Eyewear
4. Mask (if applicable)
What number do you call if you have concerns regarding quality or employee safety that are not being addressed by the biorepository?
Hint: There's a sign.
866-236-7212 or 847-832-7533