The CAP Motto
What is Semper Vigilans?
December 1st, 1941
When was CAP founded?
Who is The Honorable Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. ?
No stripes
What is Cadet Airman Basic?
CAP Core Values
What is Respect, Integrity, Volunteer Service, and Excellence in all we do?
Hawaii Wing Commander
Who is Col Stacy Haruguchi, CAP?
Three chevrons, 1-3 rockers, and 1 Center diamond
What is a First Sergeant rank?
The three missions of CAP
What are Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs, and Emergency Services?
Pacific Region Commander
Who is Col. Virginia M. Nelson, CAP?
Worn ½ inch above pocket or ribbons
What are aviation/specialty badges?
CAP is an auxiliary of...
What is the U.S. Air Force?
Hawaii Wing Command NCO
Who is SMSgt Timothy Everhard, CAP?
The 3 specialty badges cadets can wear.
What are the IT, ES, and COMMS badges?
CAP National Vice Commander
Who is Brig. Gen. Regena Aye, CAP?
One blue bar with one center line
What is a Flight Officer?
The 8 regions of CAP
What are Northeast, Middle East, North Central, Southeast, Southwest Great Lakes, Rocky Mountain, and Pacific?