In what year was Civil Air Patrol founded?
What foot are "Hut" and "Threep" called on while marching?
Left foot
Which side is the "position of honor" and what does this mean?
The right side - any senior rank or position walks on the right side of the junior cadet.
I pledge that I will serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program, attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers, wear my uniform properly, and advance my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service to my community, state and nation
Describe the axes of an airplane.
The longitudinal axis controls roll via the ailerons
The lateral axis controls pitch via the elevator
The vertical axis controls yaw via the rudder.
Who was the first National Commander of CAP?
Maj Gen John F. Curry
What is the difference between Parade Rest, At Ease, and At Rest?
At Ease - You may look around
At Rest - You may speak
NEVER lift your left foot
When should you salute a senior officer?
- you are seeing them for the first time
- they are not engaged in an activityWhat is CAP's Motto and what does it mean?
Semper Vigilans - Always vigilant
What are the four forces of flight?
Lift, Drag, Thrust, and Weight
Who was General Hap Arnold?
Only air commander ever to attain the five-star rank of general of the armies.
Perform a satisfactory column left
- Element leaders took 2 more steps than those to their left before pivoting 45º degrees
- All elements pivoted where element leaders pivoted
Report correctly to CMSgt Nair
CMSgt Nair/Chief, (Rank, Last name) reports as ordered
What are the AF core values?
integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do
What is Bernoulli’s Principle and how does it relate to flight?
As airspeed increases, pressure decreases, helping create lift on a wing
In what year did CAP become the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force?
Provide 2 examples of commands called on the right foot, and 2 examples of commands called on the left foot.
Who should you email if you will be absent to a meeting?
SM Thomas (DCO)
Capt Fitting (Squadron Commander)
TSgt/Dubey (FS)
What are CAP's missions?
Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs, and Emergency Services
Describe the axes of an airplane.
The longitudinal axis controls roll via the ailerons
The lateral axis controls pitch via the elevator
The vertical axis controls yaw via the rudder.
2 German U Boats
Perform extend march (halted)
Right most column stays halted
Take an even number of steps than the number of elements to your right
Describe the "perfect" email addressed to Lt Tung.
- Succint Subject
Good (morning...) Sir/Lt Tung
Brief and formal body
Very Respectfully/V/r,
Who is your Deputy Commander for Cadets?
Name two types of propulsion systems used in modern aircraft.
Jet engines and propellers/piston engines