What is Steve Wollin's title
Senior Vice President of Operations
What is the Trademarked saying Capital Power has rolled out with our North Star
Powering Change by Changing Power
What does PAWF stand for
Port Albert Wind Farm
How many turbines have caught fire at Kingsbridge Wind
(T17 & T19)
Name one member of the band "the Beatles"
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
Ringo Starr
George Harrison
Who is the director of ICS & ICE Engineering
Lisa Surgenor
Name 2 of the 4 North Star Behaviors
Owner's Mindset
Enterprise Thinking
Outcome Focused
Act with Urgency
If it is noon at Beaufort Solar, what time would it be at Quality Wind.
At the last renewables team meeting in Edmonton, what sport did we play together after the meetings were over
Pickle Ball
What was the name of the squares I baked for todays "Fun"
Sweet Marie Bars
Who was the previous CEO of Capital Power before Avik Dey?
Brian Vaasjo
What type of Falcon (bird) has it's own monitoring program at Genesee generating station.
Which renewables site does NOT have a dedicated on-site manager
Beaufort Solar
In what year did a forest fire threaten Quality Wind?
How much does 1 Litre of water weigh
1 kg (2.205lbs)
How is the Operations Coordinator at Halkirk Wind
Izaac Swann
What does CBEC stand for
Clover Bar Energy Center
How many wind turbines are in the CP fleet
During construction what other name was Clydesdale Solar called.
Enchant Solar
What long lived Canadian company has recently filed for bankruptcy
Hudson's Bay Company
Other than Avik Dey and Steve Wollin, Name two more Senior Vice Presidents
Sandra Haskins, Pauline McLean, May Wong, Jason Comandante, Jacquie Pylypiuk
What does EMOC stand for
Energy Management Operations Center
How many wind turbines are there at Quality Wind
What year did Capital Power branch off from EPCOR
What was the final score of game 7 in the 2024 Stanley Cup finals between the Oilers and Panthers
Panthers - 2
Oilers - 1