Correct the capitalization for this sentence:
mom said,"Go get the groceries from the Car for me."
Capitalize Mom
Lowercase Car
Make the correction
david ate Lunch with Me at burger king.
Capitalize David
lowercase lunch and me
Capitalize Burger King
Fix the capitalization in this sentence
Have you ever been to roseville, georgia?
True or False?
A common noun is not capitalized.
Correct the capitalization for this sentence
betty and beth love Scented Candles.
Capitalize Betty and Beth
Lowercase scented candles
Correct this
My favorite holidays are christmas and halloween.
Capitalize -
Christmas and Halloween
Correct this sentence:
My family wants to go to canada for Summer vacation.
Capitalize Canada.
Lowercase summer
Which word in this sentence should be capitalized?
Aunt Jackie lives in north Carolina.
Capitalize North.
Correct the capitalization in this sentence
Edna and jack bought new clothes for Sam.
Which words in this sentence should be capitalized?
lisa and claire went to barniby park and jacie and bailey visited wade park.
Lisa and Claire
Barniby Park
Wade Park
Correct the capitalization in this sentence.
I'm going to the Doctor on saturday.
Capitalize Saturday.
Lowercase doctor
Correct the Capitalization in this sentence
my Mom went to walmart
Capitalize My and Walmart
Lowercase mom
Fix the capitalization for this sentence:
I went to giant eagle to get some cereal. my sister went to dollar general to get some chips.
Giant Eagle
Dollar General
Correct or Incorrect
Daniel said,"i'll be home at 6:00."
Capitalize I'll
Correct or Incorrect:
My friend's grandpa was in world War II.
World War II
True or False:
Capitalize the names of planets. Do NOT capitalize sun and moon, or earth if it refers to the land of soil.
Fix this
We go to allison park elementary.
Allison Park Elementary
what needs to be fixed
My mom planted some seeds on thursday