Correct the capitalization for this sentence:
mom said,"go get the groceries from the Car for me."
Capitalize Mom, Go
Lowercase Car
Make the correction
david ate Lunch with Me.
Capitalize David
lowercase lunch and me
Fix the capitalization in this sentence
Have you ever been to georgia in the Winter?
Capitalize Georgia
Lowercase winter
I was happy mom found some money.
Capitalize Mom
Correct the Capitalization for this sentence
last week my family and i traveled to New york for vacation.
Correct or Incorrect:
Uncle Bart and my aunt are visiting us for the holidays.
Correct the capitalization for this sentence
betty and beth love Scented Candles from the store in the Mall.
Capitalize Betty & Beth
Lowercase scented candles , mall
Correct or incorrect
My favorite holidays are Christmas and Halloween.
Correct the Capitalization for this sentence:
Sarah joined the comic book club.
Capitalize Comic Book Club
Correct or Incorrect:
Susan and Carol love science, but i prefer algebra 1 .
Correct this sentence:
My family wants to go to canada for Summer vacation.
Capitalize Canada.
Lowercase summer
Which word in this sentence should be capitalized?
Aunt Jackie lives in north Carolina.
Capitalize North.
Correct the capitalization in this sentence
Emma and jack made costumes together for the christmas show.
Correct or Incorrect:
Did you know that dr. Allan has three dogs that he bought North of West Chicago street?
Dr. , Street
Correct or Incorrect:
Amy and Nancy enjoy english class, but I like my Science class.
Which is the subject in the sentence?
The table is very heavy.
The table
What is the predicate in the sentence?
The table is very heavy.
is very heavy.
What is the subject in the sentence?
The students study very hard for their tests.
The students
What is the predicate in the sentence?
The students study very hard for their tests.
study very hard
What is the subject in the sentence?
The classroom and hallway are cold.
The classroom and hallway
What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence?
The weather is very warm in the summer.
in the summer
What is the prepositional phrase?
The cat sleeps all day on the porch.
on the porch
What is the prepositional phrase?
The carpet smelled a little funny after leaving it outside.
after leaving it outside.
What is the prepositional phrase?
The students were excited after they passed their tests!
after they passed their tests.
What is the prepositional phrase?
After a long day at the beach, the kids got ice-cream.
After a long day at the beach,